Consorzio Agrario适应性再利用到里帕蒙蒂公寓/公园协会
Consorzio Agrario Adaptive Reuse into Aparto Ripamonti / Park Associati
© Nicola Colella
© Nicola Colella
建筑师提供的文字描述适应性再利用与米兰学生生活相结合-Park Associati的最新转型挑战了传统的学生住房方式,为米兰前农业联盟注入了新的活力。这个适应性再利用项目保留了20世纪40年代工业地标的记忆,同时为Via Ripamonti的700多名学生创造了一个充满活力的社区。
Text description provided by the architects. Adaptive Reuse meets Student Living in Milan - Park Associati's latest transformation challenges the conventional approach to student housing, breathing new life into Milan's former agricultural consortium. This adaptive reuse project preserves the memory of a 1940s industrial landmark while creating a vibrant community for over 700 students in Via Ripamonti.
© Nicola Colella
1st Floor Plan
© Nicola Colella
工作室与建筑丰富的历史背景相结合,精心打造了过去和现在之间的复杂对话。Park Associati的创始合伙人Filippo Pagliani解释说:“我们的愿景是在尊重该遗址的工业遗产的同时,创造既培养学习又培养社区的空间。”。“我们没有抹去过去,而是让它引导我们走向学生生活的新可能性。”
Working with the building's rich historical context, the studio has crafted a sophisticated dialogue between past and present. "Our vision was to honor the site's industrial heritage while creating spaces that nurture both learning and community," explains Filippo Pagliani, Founding Partner of Park Associati. "Rather than erasing the past, we've allowed it to guide us toward new possibilities for student living."
© Nicola Colella
© Nicola Colella
The design approach celebrates contrasts. The original building retains its powerful industrial presence through grey plaster and sandstone, now crowned by a contemporary addition that seems to float above the historic facade. Alongside it, a new extension rises with its own distinct identity, creating a harmonious counterpoint through a rhythmic play of glass and metal. Between these two volumes emerges the heart of the project – a courtyard that serves as an outdoor living room for the student community. This space dissolves boundaries between study and leisure, offering green areas for relaxation alongside spaces for sports and social interaction. "We wanted to create a place where students could move fluidly between focused study and spontaneous connection" continues Pagliani.
© Nicola Colella
A colored staircase leads to a basement level that houses everything from a cinema to music rooms, while the ground floor offers fluid spaces for studying, meeting, and sharing ideas. Custom furnishings in wood and bold colors bring warmth to the industrial setting, creating intimate spaces within the larger whole. In the residential areas, the studio has turned architectural constraints into opportunities. Each living space, whether a cozy single room or an innovative duplex studio, balances private retreat with community connection. The cluster apartments offer a particularly innovative solution, creating small communities where 8 to 12 students share living spaces while maintaining their private domains.
Courtesy of Hines
Courtesy of Hines
Section A
© Nicola Colella
在较高楼层,书房和公共露台可欣赏到米兰的全景。新建筑的四楼出现了一个令人惊讶的亮点——一个篮球场,它将体育变成了对社区生活的庆祝。Park Associati的创始合伙人Michele Rossi表示:“这个项目不仅仅代表学生住房。”。“这是为了创造一个地方,让米兰的工业遗产成为新的生活和学习方式的背景,让历史记忆和当代生活不断对话。”
On the upper floors, study rooms and communal terraces offer sweeping views of Milan. A surprising highlight emerges on the fourth floor of the new building – a basketball court that transforms sport into a celebration of community life. "This project represents more than just student housing," reflects Michele Rossi, Founding Partner of Park Associati. "It's about creating a place where Milan's industrial heritage becomes a backdrop for new ways of living and learning, where historical memory and contemporary life engage in constant dialogue."
© Nicola Colella