
建筑设计 / 教育建筑 2025-2-27 15:05

Darlington Public School




/ fjcstudio

© Brett Boardman / Anthony Fretwell

© Brett Boardman / Anthony Fretwell

Text description provided by the architects. Darlington Public School is a community school located in a thriving inner-city suburb of Sydney, with strong connections to Aboriginal people. The school serves as a model for innovative educational spaces, emphasizing the integration of First Nations culture and sustainability. Designed in collaboration with educational consultants, New Learning Environments, the school features adaptable learning hubs that foster collaboration and inclusivity. These spaces support active, quiet, and outdoor learning, creating a safe and inviting atmosphere that maximizes natural light and ventilation. The design incorporates perforated screens that reflect the local casuarina trees, further connecting the school to its natural surroundings.

© Brett Boardman / Anthony Fretwell

Central to the school's design is the concept of Connecting with the Country, developed through extensive consultation with First Nations Elders, artists, and the Aboriginal Art Group. This collaboration resulted in the inclusion of Indigenous plants, art, and storytelling throughout the campus. QR codes link students and visitors to the stories of the land and plants, transforming the school into a living classroom where culture and environment are intertwined. This thoughtful integration of cultural values makes the school a powerful example of place-based learning.

© Brett Boardman / Anthony Fretwell

Ground Floor Plan

© Brett Boardman / Anthony Fretwell

户外学习露台和花园游乐区促进了开放性和与自然的联系,与文化实践中的传统学习环境相呼应。由Blak Douglas(Adam Hill)绘制的原始学校的壁画在新设施中重新创作,确保了文化的连续性。此外,尼尔叔叔(索恩饰)设计的图腾也融入了设计中,将教室与文化叙事联系起来,增强了教育体验。
The outdoor learning terraces and garden play areas promote openness and a connection to nature, echoing traditional learning environments found in cultural practices. Murals from the original school, painted by Blak Douglas (Adam Hill), were recreated in the new facility, ensuring a continuity of culture. Additionally, totems designed by Uncle Neil (Thorne) are incorporated into the design, linking the classrooms to cultural narratives and enhancing the educational experience.

© Brett Boardman / Anthony Fretwell

Elevation (East)

© Brett Boardman / Anthony Fretwell

© Brett Boardman / Anthony Fretwell

Darlington Public School's commitment to sustainability is evident through initiatives like rainwater harvesting, natural ventilation, and energy-efficient systems. The design also features sawtooth roofs angled to capture sunlight, high-level glazing for indirect daylight, and protective curved screens for filtered light. The school's emphasis on blending educational, cultural, and environmental values highlights its role as a community hub that celebrates both its local landscape and its deep connections to Aboriginal heritage.

© Brett Boardman / Anthony Fretwell
