
建筑设计 / 教育建筑 2025-2-27 14:05

Nyckelviksskolan / Marge Arkitekter



功能与美学的完美统一:Marge Arkitekter的设计不仅注重建筑的外观,更关注建筑的功能性与实用性。扩建部分作为连接link,同时也是附加层,满足了学校扩建和功能升级的需求。建筑师在立面设计和空间布局上,都充分考虑了陶瓷和雕塑工作室的特殊需求,例如大型木框玻璃开口提供了充足的采光,西侧的露天空间为户外教学提供了场所。这种功能与美学的完美统一,使得Nyckelviksskolan的扩建项目成为一个集实用性、艺术性、创新性于一体的优秀案例,为同类建筑设计提供了宝贵的借鉴。

© Johan Fowelin

© Johan Fowelin

Plan - First floor

建筑师提供的文字描述利丁戈的Nyckelviksskolan成立于1955年,为工艺教育工作者提供艺术、手工艺、建筑和设计方面的大学预科课程以及职业培训。当需要扩建和更合适的场所时,Marge Arkitekter的任务是设计一个扩建部分,主要容纳陶瓷和雕塑工作室。
Text description provided by the architects. Founded in 1955, Nyckelviksskolan on Lidingö provides pre-university courses in art, crafts, architecture, and design and vocational training for craft educators. When the need for expanded and more appropriate premises arose, Marge Arkitekter was tasked with designing an extension that would primarily house the ceramic and sculpture workshops.

© Johan Fowelin

The remit was to create an extension that should relate to the plaster and brick façades of the existing school buildings. In this context, the new extension serves as both a connecting link and as an additional layer of a further layer added to the whole. The building volume appears as a wedged-in brick monolith, a sculptural block whose surfaces have been chiseled with large, wooden-framed glass openings.

© Johan Fowelin

The volume adapts itself to the existing buildings with an independent and contemporary expression. The extension asserts itself by extending its façade between the existing buildings and creating an embracing, inviting east-facing entrance. The sculpture studios have been fitted with lanterns that provide light from above. The souterrain floor to the west faces a future outdoor teaching area for ceramics and sculpture.

© Johan Fowelin

To create a gentle transition between the plastered main building and the workshop building's sacked brick façade, the façades of the extension are rendered in brick of shifting red tones. The façades are laid on site in varying bonds that provide a cohesive and precise expression. The frame is a hybrid of steel and prefabricated concrete with a ceiling of glulam beams framing the roof lights in the studios.

© Johan Fowelin
