Egied Van Broeckhoven学校/B2Ai
Egied Van Broeckhoven School / B2Ai
© Stijn Bollaert
© Alheembouw Pictures
建筑师提供的文字描述在Sint Jans Molenbeek西站周围的多元文化社区,Egied Van Broeckhoven学校在范登赫维尔啤酒厂的前装瓶厂开业。这所全新的耶稣会学校将扎根于社区,提供以STEM、社区和福祉为重点的创新荷兰语中等教育。一旦全面投入运营,学校将容纳860名来自学术、技术和职业领域的学生。通过这一循环改造和新建筑项目,B2Ai的建筑师实现了学校的雄心壮志,以可持续发展、智能基础设施和社区连接为中心。该项目是在佛兰德政府的DBFM程序内执行的,是大约40个学校建设项目中的第一个完成并投入运营的项目。
Text description provided by the architects. In the multicultural neighbourhood surrounding the West Station in Sint-Jans-Molenbeek, the Egied Van Broeckhoven School has opened in the former bottling plant of the Vandenheuvel brewery. The brand-new Jesuit school will be rooted in the community and offers innovative Dutch-language secondary education focused on STEM, and Community and Well-being. Once fully operational, the school will accommodate 860 students across academic, technical and vocational streams. With this circular renovation and new construction project, the architects of B2Ai have realised the ambitions of the school, centred on sustainability, smart infrastructure and community connection. The project was executed within the DBFM procedure of the Flemish Government and is the first of around 40 school construction projects to be completed and operationalised.
© Stijn Bollaert
Ground Floor Plan
© Stijn Bollaert
© Stijn Bollaert
一所连接人们的学校——布鲁塞尔对荷兰语教育的需求很高。多年来,法兰德斯在创造额外产能方面投入了大量资金。在布鲁塞尔这样的城市,空间有限,许多学校建筑已经过时,这一挑战甚至更大。该项目由“贝韦格伊格内修斯·肖伦”协会委托。选定的地点是Sint Jans Molenbeek西站附近的前范登赫维尔啤酒厂。随着啤酒厂的关闭,该社区的一个重要经济驱动力停止了。改建为一所全新的中学为该地区及其周边地区提供了强大的新动力。
A school that connects people - The demand for Dutch-language education is high in Brussels. For years, Flanders has invested significantly in creating additional capacity. In a city like Brussels, where space is limited and many school buildings are outdated, this challenge is even greater. The project was commissioned by the 'Ignatius Scholen in Beweging' association. The location chosen was the former Vandenheuvel brewery near the West Station in Sint-Jans-Molenbeek. With the closure of the brewery, an important economic driver for the neighbourhood came to a halt. The conversion into a brand-new secondary school provides a powerful new impetus for both the area and its surroundings.
Axonometry - Interior Design
一所开放包容的学校——学校不仅仅是一栋建筑。Egied Van Broeckhoven学校旨在避免孤立,并向社区开放。新体育馆与现有建筑相邻,从街上可以看到。体育馆位于半地下,吸引了路人,并与社区互动。有限的空间促使团队进行创新思考。例如,操场分布在多个楼层。体育馆的顶部是一个大型的户外游乐区,由装有捕球网的拱门隔开。运动场和健身房等设施可供学校以外的体育俱乐部和社区活动使用。
An open and inclusive school - A school is more than just a building. The Egied Van Broeckhoven School seeks to avoid isolation and opens itself up to the community. The new sports hall is placed adjacent to the existing building, making it visible from the street. Positioned semi-underground, the sports hall intrigues passers-by and engages with the neighbourhood. The limited space pushed the team to think innovatively. The playground, for instance, is distributed over multiple levels. On top of the sports hall is a large outdoor play area, separated by arches fitted with ball-catching nets. Facilities such as sports fields and the gym are available for sports clubs and community initiatives outside school hours.
© Matthias Vanhoutteghem
1st Floor Plan
© Stijn Bollaert
© Stijn Bollaert
Sustainable reuse of industrial heritage - As much as possible, the existing industrial heritage has been preserved. The Art Deco façades were cleaned and insulated to meet stringent energy performance standards. The exterior joinery was replaced with new aluminium frames. Respecting the industrial heritage, a strong vertical window design with slender profiles reminiscent of the original steel windows was chosen. The green-grey colour gives the façade a contemporary touch. To maximise natural daylight in the deep building, a patio was introduced within the grid of concrete beams and columns.
© Stijn Bollaert
© Stijn Bollaert
When allocating architecture programmes, the unique qualities of the spaces were considered. The old bottling hall, for instance, with its high ceilings and arched roof, houses an open learning environment, workshops and an auditorium. Inside, the industrial character remains palpable. The brewery's concrete structure has been left visible, blending old and new seamlessly. B2Ai's interior designers combined playful elements like ochre-grey chequered flooring with warm materials such as pine wood.
© Stijn Bollaert