
建筑设计 / 教育建筑 2025-2-27 13:34

Meadows Primary School / Project 12 Architecture




© Derek Swalwell

© Derek Swalwell

建筑师提供的文字描述Text description provided by the architects. Meadows Primary School is a proudly multi-cultural school in Broadmeadow, in Melbourne's northern suburbs. Project 12 was commissioned to create a new 10-classroom building for 200 additional students, that incorporates support spaces, consultation/wellbeing rooms, staff work areas, and student and staff amenities. As part of the project, a range of learning spaces throughout the campus were also upgraded to offer separate classrooms, flexible teaching spaces, and consultation rooms to better meet the school's needs.

© Derek Swalwell

从第一天起,Project 12就与学校密切合作,了解学生和更广泛的学校社区的具体学术、社会和情感需求,以确保设计和拟议的作品能够最好地满足他们的需求。考虑到71%的学生被认为将英语作为额外语言(EAL),难民身份的学生(6%)和接受正规学校教育的机会有限,他们的生活中可能经历过创伤事件。设计解决方案包括合理、平静、安全的学习空间和对声学敏感的寻路功能,充足的空间用于展示视觉学习辅助工具,以及教室以谨慎和协作学习模式运行的能力。
From day one, Project 12 worked closely with the school to understand the specific academic, social, and emotional requirements of its students and he broader school community to ensure the design and proposed works best support their needs. Consideration was given to 71% of the student population recognized as having English as an Additional Language (EAL), students with refugee status (6%) and limited exposure to formalized schooling, and may have experienced traumatic events in their lives. The design solution included rational, calm, secure learning spaces and way-finding features with sensitivity to acoustics, ample space for the display of visual learning aids, and the ability for classrooms to operate in discreet and collaborative learning modes.

© Derek Swalwell

Ground Floor Plan - New Classroom Building

© Derek Swalwell

© Derek Swalwell

Project 12 Architecture worked openly, collaboratively, and effectively with the School, VSBA, and consultant team throughout the project, delivering the New Classroom Building in less than six months. The school has been occupying the New Classroom Building since April 2022 with an overwhelming sense of pride in the welcoming spaces for the school and the broader community. The school has confirmed that the new teaching environments are providing calm and positive spaces which are already improving student outcomes, seeing students more engaged and more connected with their peers.

© Derek Swalwell

Ground Floor Plan - Learning Center

© Derek Swalwell

“在Meadows小学,Project 12 Architecture将客户的需求放在首位——提供一个理性而冷静的建筑,培养学生的学术、社交和情感需求。通过这样做,他们创造了一个简单而优雅的结果,将学校的需求置于设计自我之上。精心设计的外观与勤奋的内部计划相平衡。走廊安静地享受着色彩和自然光的俏皮运用。整个过程中都有诚信,结果值得高度赞扬。”
'At Meadows Primary School, Project 12 Architecture puts the needs of their client first and foremost – providing a rational and calm architecture that fosters student academic, social, and emotional requirements. In doing so, they have created a simple and elegant outcome that puts the school's needs before design ego. The well-crafted exteriors are balanced with a hard-working internal plan. The corridors quietly delight with playful use of color and natural light. There is integrity in the approach throughout, and the result is highly commendable.'

© Derek Swalwell
