Cityplot Buiksloterham C14大楼/书房
Cityplot Buiksloterham C14 Building / Studioninedots
设计创新与功能融合:Cityplot Buiksloterham C14大楼的设计展现了卓越的创新性。其倾斜的仓库造型不仅呼应了场地的工业历史,还通过现代手法重新诠释了传统建筑形式。钢立面的设计尤为突出,锯齿状的阳台既为居民提供了遮蔽的户外空间,又最大化地引入自然光,同时保留了建筑的原始工业质感。这种设计不仅满足了功能需求,还赋予了建筑独特的视觉效果,使其成为城市中一个引人注目的存在。
社区活力与空间多样性:C1plot Buiksloterham C14大楼在社区营造方面发挥了重要作用。通过将自行车停车场移出建筑,一楼为海滨的创意企业和住宅提供了空间,使公共区域全天充满活力。建筑内部则提供了从沿街房屋到顶层公寓的多样化住宅选择,满足了不同居民的需求。这种设计不仅提升了建筑的功能性,还为社区创造了丰富的空间体验,使其成为城市中一个充满活力和吸引力的居住区。
© Sebastian van Damme
© Sebastian van Damme
Text description provided by the architects. Studioninedots designs C14 as a contemporary, tilted warehouse — a reflection of its industrial origins and symbol of the emerging Cityplot Buiksloterham
© Sebastian van Damme
In Amsterdam's Buiksloterham, the Cityplot area, for which Studioninedots created the urban concept earlier in collaboration with DELVA, is coming to life. Our plan transforms the disused industrial site into a vivid and sustainable urban district, where the collective, local value, diversity and resilience take centre stage. To this end, buildings, public space and landscape work together as an integrated system.
Plan - Ground floor
C14是Cityplot Buiksloterham的最新建筑,作为一个抽象的物体,在Tolhuiskanaal的海滨有着神秘的外观。我们的设计的一个决定性特征是它的钢立面,同时实现了多种功能。一下子,锯齿状的阳台序列为新居民创造了遮蔽的户外空间,最大限度地利用了通过大窗户进入的日光和建筑的原始特征。
Standing as an abstract object with a mystical appearance on the waterfront of the Tolhuiskanaal, C14 is Cityplot Buiksloterham's newest building. One of our design's defining features is its steel facade, fulfilling several functions at once. In one stroke, the sequence of jagged balconies creates the sheltered outdoor spaces for the new residents, maximised daylight entry through the big windows and the building's raw identity.
© Sebastian van Damme
We imagined C14 as a warehouse — yet, flipped on its side and redesigned in a modern interpretation. With this, we reference the industrial history of the site, while at the same time making use of the functionality of a warehouse's shed roof. While the angular structure enhances natural light on one side, on the other it creates shade that avoids excessive heating in summer and ensures a protective microclimate across the facade.
© Sebastian van Damme
This idea allowed us to position all outdoor spaces in C14 facing south and on the waterfront. Large glass walls seamlessly connect the balconies to the houses, letting natural light and views flood the interiors.
© Sebastian van Damme
By taking the bicycle parking out of the building, we provided the space on the ground floor for creative businesses on the waterfront and residences behind glass fronts in the street, which energise the public space around the clock. Behind the uniform wall of outdoor spaces lies a variety of residences, stretching from ground-floor houses along the street to a wide top-floor apartment in the building's tip.
© Sebastian van Damme
C14 is one of the larger buildings on Plot C, on which we are working on a total of seven buildings. Plot C, also known as Tolhuiskade, is laid out as a Cityplot, our concept that we use to transform former industrial and factory sites into new city districts, with an ideal plot size of 100x100 metres.
© Sebastian van Damme
On a Cityplot, different functions that are normally spread across the city are merged into an intensive urban neighbourhood. Designing the separate buildings in their own visual language ensures architectural variety and an area with a distinct identity.
© Sebastian van Damme
On Tolhuiskade's inner side, C14 is therefore the abstract backdrop for the smaller, expressive buildings, such as the black-coloured C19. This building with two stacked two-storey dwellings is the first of its kind. From now, the other small-scale structures will be added to the plot.
© Sebastian van Damme
C14 has a shiny skin of Magnelis steel, a type of metal galvanised in a weld pool. This gives the building its dual nature, dissolving into the sky or catching your eye as it mirrors sunlight. Meanwhile, the steel refers to Buiksloterham's industrial past and is re-usable in the future.
On the court side, we added a small-scale timber pavilion, housing the bicycle storage and water retention. The rainwater collected here is re-used by the residents. We found the warm atmosphere of the wood to contrast with the solid steel of C14, and soon with the other buildings that will come into being at Tolhuiskade. At night, the pavilion with its slatted facade lights up like a lantern and becomes a friendly beacon in the emerging neighbourhood.
© Sebastian van Damme