建筑设计 / 商业办公 2025-2-27 13:31

Self Maker Showroom / BLURKER

空间布局的巧妙性:SELF MAKER展厅的空间划分极具创意,设计师将办公室、休息室和窗帘展示区巧妙地安排在三个圆形区域内,通过地板、墙壁和天花板的结构划分,实现了功能与美学的完美结合。入口走廊两侧的丝绸窗帘不仅作为门的替代品,还与照明和缓冲墙相结合,为顾客营造出舒适且富有层次感的空间体验。这种布局方式不仅优化了空间利用率,还通过柔和的曲线和材质的巧妙运用,引导顾客的自然流动,体现了设计的细腻与人性化。


功能与美学的融合:SELF MAKER展厅的设计成功地将功能与美学融为一体。幕墙支撑区不仅作为重要的功能装置,支持专业和感性咨询,还通过地板和墙壁的材质划分,巧妙地分隔空间。两个不同直径的圆形结构兼具照明和窗帘轨道的功能,灵活地划分了空间,同时为客户提供了丰富的体验。这种设计不仅满足了商业需求,还通过艺术化的处理手法,将品牌的核心价值——通过微小改变让每一天变得特别——融入到空间的每一个角落。

© rayliter

© rayliter

建筑师提供的文字描述SELF MAKER位于首尔江南区新沙洞,是一个定制窗帘和百叶窗的品牌,通过在日常空间中做出微小改变,让每一天都变得特别的企业价值观,为客户提供专业和感性的咨询。因此,我们在设计它时考虑了访问这个空间的客户如何通过一个小小的改变感到特别。
Text description provided by the architects. SELF MAKER, located in Sinsa-dong, Gangnam-gu, Seoul, is a brand that customizes curtains and blinds by providing professional and sensuous consulting to customers through the corporate value of making every day special with small changes in daily spaces. So we designed it thinking about how the customers who visit this space can feel special as a small change.

© rayliter

The space division of the project began by arranging the important functions of the office, lounge, and curtain showings in three circles on the floor plan. It is divided into floor, wall, and ceiling structures, and is arranged in separate areas.

© rayliter

Thin soft and silky curtains installed on both walls of the entrance corridor serve as doors for offices and storage, while at the same time giving customers a comfortable feeling along with illumination and cushion walls, and the cushion wall in the curtain showing zone is the brand's iconic art wall that represents the texture and volume of the fabric. In addition, the office wall is finished with glass blocks at the point of entry and exit, and the cushion wall in the curtain showing zone provides a slight gap to induce the customer's natural flow of movement.

© rayliter

© rayliter

As you enter along the line, you will face the lounge. This lounge is also arranged with a soft curve. Sitting along the curve induces your gaze to a specially designed curtain bar. The curtain bar can be checked with eyes and hands while unfolding or moving the product that customers want.

© rayliter

The curtain shoring zone is an important functional device that allows professional and sensory consulting in space while dividing the area through the materials of the floor and wall. It not only allows two circular structures of different diameters to serve as lighting and curtain rails and flexibly partition the space but also allows customers to experience various things by themselves by overlapping individual or two or more products.

© rayliter