新办公楼Carbonera/Carlana Mezzalira Pentimalli
New Office Building Carbonera / Carlana Mezzalira Pentimalli
创新与协作:该项目最令人瞩目的亮点在于其对传统办公模式的颠覆。设计师Carlana Mezzalira Pentimalli巧妙地融合了建筑、艺术和社区,创造了一个极具创新性和协作性的工作空间。这种设计理念体现在对远程办公和数字化的拥抱上,强调工作与个人生活之间的平衡。灵活多变的空间设计,非正式且温馨的氛围,以及无缝连接的室内外空间,都体现了设计师对未来办公模式的深刻理解。项目不仅关注了建筑本身,更注重其社会影响,旨在促进互动和社区建设,这使其在众多办公楼项目中脱颖而出。
© Marco Cappelletti
© Marco Cappelletti
建筑师提供的文字描述建筑公司Carlana Mezzalira Pentimalli(carlanamezzalirapentimali.com)在特拉维索以北以密集的工业仓库而闻名的Vascon di Carbonera为Itagency、Faba、Maikii和Exclama的新总部揭幕。该项目融合了建筑、艺术和社区,创造了一个创新和协作的工作空间,同时考虑了其社会影响。
Text description provided by the architects. Architectural firm Carlana Mezzalira Pentimalli (carlanamezzalirapentimalli.com) has unveiled the new headquarters for Itagency, Faba, Maikii, and Exclama in Vascon di Carbonera, a region north of Treviso known for its dense industrial warehouses. Thisproject merges architecture, art, and community to create an innovative and collaborative workspace that also considers its social impact.
© Marco Cappelletti
Ground Floor Plan
© Marco Cappelletti
Carlana Mezzalira Pentimalli的设计彻底改变了传统的工作场所,拥抱了远程工作和数字化,优先考虑工作和个人生活之间的可持续平衡。这些办公室充满活力、灵活多变,旨在适应变化,营造非正式、温馨的空间。一个新的以人类为中心的场所,充满了共享环境、露天活动区和无缝的室内外空间。著名建筑师Michel Carlana、Luca Mezzalira和Curzio Pentimalli说:“我们的项目是创新和探索的邀请。我们认为每栋建筑都是一个鼓励社会互动和社区建设的宽敞空间。”。
The design by Carlana Mezzalira Pentimalli revolutionizes the traditional workplace to embrace remote working and digitalization, prioritizing a sustainable balance between work and personal life. The offices are dynamic, flexible, and designed for adaptation, fostering informal, homely spaces. A new anthropocentric venue, full of sharing environments, open-air activity areas and seamless indoor and outdoor spaces. "Our projects are invitations to innovate and explore. We see each building as a generous space that encourages social interaction and community building," say the leading architects Michel Carlana, Luca Mezzalira, and Curzio Pentimalli.
This development includes a new headquarters for the group and transforms existing offices into additional warehouse space, with an extension northward. This rearrangement and the addition of a new cargo yard make the area more efficient interms of logistics and flexibility, while also cutting construction costs. At the heart of the design is its transformative potential. Each architectural detail is crafted with adaptability in mind, ensuring the building can evolve over time. From a structural frame that opens the interior to a roof designed as a communal area, to the building's four-storey layout that encourages employee interaction.
© Marco Cappelletti
The ground floor serves as a multipurpose area for meetings, exhibitions, and other events, while the upper floors house adaptable office spaces. Mobile walls and modular elements allow for quick reconfiguration of meeting areas, while glass and fabric devices serve as visual and acoustic dividers, to help redefine the large open spaces. The design includes secluded spots for private calls and quiet work, blending with the open exhibition spaces. A modular desk and shelving system allows for customizable privacy levels, providing alcoves for working, discussing ideas, sitting, and, most importantly, socializing. A neatly arranged mechanical system, hidden behind a modular metal grille, brings industrial contemporary dynamism. The layout's flexibility supports various work styles and fulfills individual employee needs, while also enabling organizations to adjust to changes in the market or workforce quickly.
© Marco Cappelletti
© Marco Cappelletti
A far cry from the typical industrial subdivision, the building offers a unique gathering spot on its rooftop, which doubles as a plaza for relaxation and mingling. This area, enhanced by artist Lorenzo Mason's work, becomes a platform for expression beyond the usual office boundaries.
© Marco Cappelletti
© Marco Cappelletti
Mason's art, a graphic interpretation of non-verbal communication, turns the space into a lively hub for human interaction, pushing past the daily grind. The intertwining of his artistic vision and Carlana Mezzalira Pentimalli's architecture enriches the space, making it a source of inspiration and humanity, evident in other studio projects like the Music School in Bressanone. "Our approach integrates architecture, urban planning, engineering, and art, aiming totailor each design to its environment and embrace change over time," the architects assert.
© Marco Cappelletti
© Marco Cappelletti
Carlana Mezzalira Pentimalli的理念体现在一座既是功能性工作空间又是活生生的艺术品的建筑中。这种灵活的设计随着周围环境的变化而演变,重新校准了积极的影响,并为社区生活重新定义了混合办公空间。
Carlana Mezzalira Pentimalli's philosophy manifests in a building that's both a functional workspace and a living artwork. This flexible design evolves with its surroundings, recalibrating positive impact and redefining the hybrid office space for community life.
© Marco Cappelletti