
建筑设计 / 住宅建筑 2025-2-25 13:05

ISO/ / Ply Architecture

建筑与自然的和谐共生:ISO 项目的核心在于对现有建筑形式的尊重与创新性改造。它巧妙地利用了原有 U 形别墅的结构,通过对原有建筑的重新雕琢,创造出一种既开放又私密的居住空间。项目亮点在于其设计理念,它不仅仅是对现代主义和制造工艺的热爱,更在于对现有建筑形式和材料的精心运用。通过对现有住宅的改造和扩建,项目既保留了原始别墅的特色,又在其中融入了现代生活方式,打造出一种建筑与自然和谐共生的氛围。这种设计不仅尊重了现有建筑的结构,还巧妙地利用了现有的建筑材料,在保留原有别墅特色的同时,创造了令人耳目一新的居住体验。

通透性与私密性的平衡:ISO 项目在公共与私密之间找到了完美的平衡。项目通过透明度和连接性来实现开放性,同时在设计上精巧地控制了私密性。设计者利用了建筑的体量和规模,通过对现有住宅的框架进行压缩,提供了私密的居住空间。而新建筑部分则着重体现了公共性,通过一系列精心策划的视线,将住宅与周围的社区联系起来,实现了开放性和私密性的巧妙结合。项目的设计理念将建筑内部的私密性与外部的开放性相结合,通过建筑结构和材料的应用,创造出一种既有安全感又充满活力的居住体验。这种平衡不仅体现在视觉上,也体现在功能上,为居住者提供了多样的生活方式选择。


© Alexander Miller

© Alexander Miller

Text description provided by the architects. ISO/ is a family home born from a shared passion for Modernism and making. The alterations and additions to the existing dwelling were carefully handled to celebrate the existing form and materiality, carving out the center of the original U-shaped villa to insert a form that captures a Modern lifestyle.

© Alexander Miller

Floor Plan


© Alexander Miller

A delicate balance of public and private, transparency and connection. A balance of volumes and scales push and pull through the project, respondent to the building use. Private zones are constrained to the existing dwellings' framework, compressed to provide intimacy and recluse. The new works are intentionally public, celebrating engagement and leisure; a series of curated sightlines open the dwelling to the surrounding neighborhood, whilst internal layering allows control and operability.

© Alexander Miller

© Alexander Miller

The inside and outside are blurred across a series of transparent thresholds. The garden is visually connected and reinforced through all zones of the dwelling. The built form and landscaping have provided inspiration to our client's personal business as furniture makers, encouraging the development of a range of furniture inspired by the dwelling. Macro details observed in the architecture and interiors have informed deliberate aesthetic, tactile, and functional decisions in their work.

ISO/ is built on the land of the Kaurna people

© Alexander Miller
