
建筑设计 / 住宅建筑 2025-2-25 11:40

Six55 Detroit Mixed-Use Residential Building / ISA - Interface Studio Architects

设计理念的创新性与在地性:Six55 Detroit 项目最引人注目的亮点在于其对场地文脉的深刻理解和巧妙回应。设计师从底特律中城社区的历史建筑中汲取灵感,特别是对“超级门廊”的重新诠释,创造出富有特色的立面设计。通过折叠的平面,建筑成功地与周围环境和谐共存,同时在视觉上增强了街道活力,并为居民提供了独特的室外空间。此外,金属材料的选择和运用,是对底特律工业遗产的致敬,将建筑的在地性与当代设计理念完美融合。这种设计手法不仅提升了项目的独特性,也丰富了城市肌理。


立面设计的细节与表现力:Six55 Detroit 的立面设计在细节处理和表现力上都展现出极高的水准。金属覆层的运用,通过不同纹理和宽度的面板组合,以及醒目的橙色点缀,营造出独特的视觉效果。折叠的立面造型,不仅适应了周围环境,还赋予了建筑动态感和雕塑感。这种对细节的关注,使得建筑在保持简洁现代风格的同时,又充满了艺术气息和个性。此外,建筑师对光影的运用也十分巧妙,通过立面上的凹凸变化,营造出丰富的视觉层次,使建筑在不同的光照条件下呈现出不同的魅力。这种细节上的精心雕琢,赋予了建筑持久的生命力。

© Jason Keen

© Jason Keen

建筑师提供的文字描述采矿中城-底特律中城社区的大部分完整城市结构中都有中等规模的中层公寓楼。Willis Selden Local Historic District内这些现有的中等密度模型,以大型前院和多层独特的嵌入式门廊为背景,为Six55 Detroit的设计方法提供了灵感。
Text description provided by the architects. Mining Midtown - Detroit's Midtown neighborhood features modest mid-rise apartment buildings in much of its intact urban fabric. Set back from the street with large front yards and distinctive recessed porches on multiple levels, these existing models of mid-scale density within the Willis-Selden Local Historic District served as inspiration for the design approach at Six55 Detroit.

© Jason Keen

Building Plans

© Jason Keen

Super Porch - The required front yard setback created an opportunity for an expanded and activated public streetscape. The facade reinvents the historic superporch as an enhanced social streetscape amenity. Meeting the ground with a small cafe and landscaped yard, the folded planes create facade depth while maximizing views and providing unique outdoor balconies for units facing West Willis. The common roof deck is situated overlooking the streetscape, creating a connected experience for residents as well as passersby.

© Jason Keen

Cut and Fold - The folded front acknowledges the building's existing neighbors, bending in from larger buildings to one side, and out to align with a smaller Victorian house on the other. Adjusting to its surroundings, the facade geometry frames the building's entry lobby and activates the front yard setback as a landscaped extension of the pedestrian life of the street.


Diverse Mix - The project's mix of residential unit typologies appeals to a diverse range of needs, budgets, and lifestyles. The program includes 36 compact apartments above a modestly scaled ground floor commercial space and parking lot. A total of 9 studios, 18 one-bedroom, and 9 two-bedroom units occupy the C-shaped structure, with 25 parking spaces below.

© Jason Keen

Heavy Metal - Textured metal cladding pays homage to Detroit's history of metal fabrication and industrial production with a mix of standing seam and corrugated metal with panels of varying widths offset by bright orange accents highlighting the inset superporch.

© Jason Keen
