Grow Up House / Time Architects
© Minq Bui
© Minq Bui
建筑师提供的文字描述The Grow Up House建于2020年,当时新冠肺炎大流行感染率下降并稳定下来,业主需要一个地方让他们的孩子保持安全,此外,健康快乐地成长,在家里体验童年的幸福。这个家庭由父母和四个孩子组成,他们将住在一个小面积的房子里(5.7 x 10.4米)。该项目的设计标准是将所有楼层结合在一起,具有吃饭、学习和玩耍等所有空间功能,为活跃的孩子提供一种连续的方式,便于与父母沟通。
Text description provided by the architects. The Grow Up House was built in 2020 after the COVID-19 pandemic infection rates dropped and stabilized, the owners need a place for their children to stay safe and furthermore, grow up healthy and happy, to experience childhood well-being right at home. The family consists of parents and four children, who will live in a small area house (5,7 x 10,4 m). The criterion for the design of this project is to combine all floors together, with all space functions such as eating, learning, and playing, making a continuous way for active children, easy to communicate with their parents.
© Minq Bui
Plan - 1st floor
© Minq Bui
The floor vents are the connection of living spaces by skylights. Besides the curves create softness for the wall corners to become safe but still retain continuity and closeness. The kitchen and dining room on the ground floor can see the sky through skylights. The kitchen adjacent to the backyard, although small, still creates comfort for the mother when cooking. The position under the ladder has a small play space for the youngest children, convenient for the mother to observe her last born from the kitchen.
© Minq Bui
The mezzanine common living space is an area where the children can interact and connect regularly when the father is living in a common living space such as watching TV or exercising. The vision is directed to the ground floor so the father can still observe the house door.
© Minq Bui
© Minq Bui
The parents' room can easily observe the children in the playground but keep a privacy distance by a small lobby. Connecting your children's space for rest, study, and play with traffic is the staircase and makes an impression with the slide from their bedroom.
© Minq Bui
Traffic and living spaces are continuously connected to each other, which can create cohesion in the family. Grow Up House is a caring environment — teaching the children to interact with their parents throughout their development. It all creates a flow of love for the family.
© Minq Bui