Ausserrothhof Extension / The New Komma
历史与现代的对话: 项目最显著的亮点在于其对历史建筑的尊重和对现代设计的巧妙运用。旧农舍的改造和扩建并非简单地推倒重建,而是细致地保留了历史建筑的特色,例如天然石墙、小窗户和木制客厅,并对这些元素进行精心修复和强调。同时,新扩建部分以其精确的建筑语言和高质量的材料(如堆叠的暴露混凝土和当地的落叶松木材)与旧建筑形成了富有张力的对话,体现了建筑师对新旧融合的深刻理解和对场所精神的尊重。这种历史与现代的和谐共存,是项目成功的关键。
空间与景观的融合: 扩建部分的设计精髓在于其对景观的融入和对内外空间的巧妙连接。扩建部分采用绿色的平屋顶,最大限度地减少了对周围环境的视觉干扰,体现了对环境的尊重和对可持续发展的考量。通过大面积的无框玻璃窗,室内空间与葡萄园、梅拉诺的景色无缝连接,创造出通透、轻盈的视觉效果,使居住者能够充分感受周围环境的魅力。此外,新旧建筑之间的连接也经过精心设计,玻璃过渡带作为两者融合的媒介,既保证了视觉的统一性,又突出了新旧建筑的差异,营造出独特而和谐的空间体验。
细节与材质的精湛: 项目的成功离不开对细节和材质的精湛处理。室内改造中,旧烟熏厨房的修复,烟熏黑的桶形拱顶被保留下来,营造出原始的氛围,为空间注入了历史感。现代钢制家具和外露的砂浆地板与历史材料的巧妙结合,形成了一种微妙的对比,增强了空间的层次感和质感。此外,建筑师对木制客厅、拱形楼梯和大理石地板等历史元素的精心修复,恢复了这些元素昔日的辉煌,为庭院增添了独特的魅力。这些细节的处理,以及材料的选择和运用,共同构成了项目精髓,展现出建筑师对建筑品质的极致追求。
© Lucas Clemens
© Lucas Clemens
建筑师提供的文字描述Text description provided by the architects. The Ausserrothhof is an excellent illustration of how historical significance and modern architectural design can coexist harmoniously. The listed and heritage-protected farm is situated in the sunny Italian village of Schenna, surrounded by its own vineyards. The old farmhouse was carefully remodeled and a modern extension was added.
© Lucas Clemens
Floor Plan 1
© Lucas Clemens
© Lucas Clemens
The objective was to safeguard the property's historical significance and unique character while facilitating a contemporary approach to its utilization. The historic building, whose origins date back to at least 1775, features solid natural stone walls, characteristic small windows, and a wooden parlor, and offers insight into a bygone era of construction. This aesthetic was deliberately emphasized and combined with modern elements. The new extension impresses with its precise and striking architecture and high-quality materials. The stacked exposed concrete reinterprets the rough lime plaster structure of the old house, while the local larch wood picks up the traditional building style in a modern way.
© Lucas Clemens
Its slightly offset position in relation to the slope line provides a clear contrast to the existing building without overshadowing its presence. Particular attention was paid to ensuring a seamless connection between the old and new. The glass transition marks the point where historical and modern architectural styles converge, creating a transparent and lightweight aesthetic. The extension is designed to blend discreetly into the surrounding landscape, featuring a green flat roof that minimizes its visual impact from above. The large, frameless glazing provides an unobstructed view of the surrounding vineyards and the expansive view of Merano.
© Lucas Clemens
The interior of the farmhouse has been meticulously remodeled. The old smoke kitchen was uncovered, with the soot-blackened barrel vault serving to emphasize the original atmosphere. The modern built-in steel furniture and exposed screed floors blend in seamlessly with the historical substance, creating a subtle contrast. The wooden parlor and other historical elements, including the vaulted staircase and the marble split floors, have been meticulously restored to their former glory, contributing to the authentic ambiance that characterizes the courtyard.
© Lucas Clemens
The Ausserrothhof successfully fuses the past and present, creating a harmonious ensemble that not only respects the spirit of the place but also carries it forward. The combination of historical, architectural, and landscape elements has resulted in a project that preserves the identity and sense of place while remaining modern and forward-thinking.
© Lucas Clemens