MON58 House / Associati
设计理念与可持续性: 该项目最引人注目之处在于其对旧建筑改造和扩建的巧妙策略。在有限的预算下,设计师通过对原有结构的重新利用,展现了极高的设计智慧。利用建筑结构本身的优势,例如混凝土框架和柱子,实现了对材料的有效利用,减少了浪费。同时,项目考虑到了环境的因素,通过内部隔热处理,保留了原始建筑的外观,并与周围环境和谐共生。这种对可持续发展理念的实践,以及对现有资源的充分利用,是这个项目的核心亮点。
空间布局与功能性: 从平面图和剖面图可以看出,项目在有限的空间内实现了功能的最大化。设计师巧妙地利用了现有的建筑结构,通过对结构的加倍扩建,实现了卧室、浴室和厨房等基本功能。这种设计充分利用了空间,体现了高效、实用和舒适。这种紧凑而精致的空间布局,展现了设计师对空间规划的深度理解。尽管预算有限,设计师仍然创造了一个功能完善且充满设计感的居住空间,为居住者提供了舒适的生活体验,同时也为类似项目的改造提供了可借鉴的经验。
材料运用与建筑语言: 材料对比和建筑语言是该项目的另一个亮点。现场浇筑的混凝土与矿物砖的对比,突出了结构和填充的表达,创造出一种独特的美学效果。这种材料的选择和运用,不仅体现了设计师对建筑材料的深入理解,也赋予了建筑独特的个性和风格。建筑师在设计中巧妙地运用建筑的结构语言,使其与旧建筑相协调,创造出一种统一而又富于变化的视觉效果,展现了对20世纪瓦莱州混凝土工程传统的尊重和延续。整体而言,该项目是对旧建筑改造与扩建的成功实践,展现了建筑设计的创造力和实用性。
© EWIIS + Lydia Genecand
© Claire Alhanko
Text description provided by the architects. Transformation and Extension of an Annex Building into a Housing Unit. Project executed with a minimal budget.
© EWIIS + Lydia Genecand
Ground Floor Plan
© EWIIS + Lydia Genecand
The project deals with an old structure situated on a sloping site. This building consists of concrete slabs, lintels, and columns, spread over two levels with parking spaces on the roof. It measures 5 meters by 5 meters at the upper level and is reduced by half in depth at the lower level. The whole structure evokes a Modernist construction, compact and integrated into its natural surroundings.
© EWIIS + Lydia Genecand
The goal was to transform this structure into a functional dwelling, incorporating a bedroom, a bathroom, and a kitchen. The building extension was carried out in a strategic and constrained manner, opting for an extension to the south by doubling the existing grid. The extension is a simple volume of 5 cubic meters.
© EWIIS + Lydia Genecand
© Claire Alhanko
© Claire Alhanko
Due to the partial embedding of the building in the slope, insulation was applied from the inside. This allowed for the preservation of the original architectural expression by continuing the pre-existing exterior language. The concrete poured on-site, was worked after stripping the formwork. It thus interacts with the mineral bricks in a contrast of materials, highlighting the expression of the structure and infill.
© Claire Alhanko
The structural scheme expressed on the facade seems to defy usual norms, but it does so in service of a composition with the old building, where the appearance does not immediately reveal the inner logic. The project leverages these budgetary, structural, and contextual constraints to propose a construction in dialogue with its environment, as well as with the rich Valais tradition of concrete works during the 20th century.
© Claire Alhanko