
建筑设计 / 住宅建筑 2025-2-24 10:40

Malvern Pool House / Klas Hyllén Architecture




© Hide Film for Klas Hyllén Architecture

© Hide Film for Klas Hyllén Architecture

建筑师提供的文字描述Klas Hyllén Architecture设计的Malvern Pool House是艺术与设计的视觉伴侣;这座以手工艺为灵感的住宅坐落在沃里克郡农村的一座山顶上,设有一个游泳池和一系列休闲室。新增加的部分由两卷相互连接的粘土砖组成,外观简约,但材料丰富,细节精致。马尔文山的全景与一个巨大的、充满光线的体量相平衡,天花板呈大教堂状,似乎漂浮在游泳池上方。
Text description provided by the architects. Malvern Pool House by Klas Hyllén Architecture is a visually stunning companion to an Arts & Crafts inspired home, perched on a hilltop in rural Warwickshire, housing a swimming pool and a sequence of relaxation rooms. The new addition comprises two interconnecting volumes of clay brick, minimal in appearance, yet materially rich and exquisitely detailed. Sweeping views across the Malvern Hills are balanced with a vast, light-filled volume with a cathedral-like diagrid ceiling that appears to float above the swimming pool.

© Hide Film for Klas Hyllén Architecture


Floor Plan

© Hide Film for Klas Hyllén Architecture

一个九米长的天窗让空间充满了更多的阳光,或者在晴朗的夜晚,它与星光交织在一起。空气中弥漫着一种天然的矿物气味,这是水与粘土砖相互作用的结果。辅助建筑设有必要的淋浴间和更衣室,并与主楼相连,同时保护着北侧的庭院。Malvern Pool House欢迎放松和恢复活力。这是一个光和水的感官绿洲,是一个远离世界的精致场所,同时与土地及其栖息在周围田野的鹿、鹅和野兔保持对话。
A nine-meter-long skylight floods the space with more daylight, or on a clear night is spliced with starlight. A natural mineral scent, a result of the water's interplay with the clay brick, fills the air. The ancillary building houses necessary showers and dressing rooms, and connects to the main house, while protecting a courtyard to the north. Malvern Pool House invites relaxation and rejuvenation. It is a sensory oasis of light and water, an exquisite retreat from the world while retaining a dialogue with the land, and its deer, geese, and hares that inhabit the surrounding fields.

© Hide Film for Klas Hyllén Architecture

The primary oblong (63m2) is all about the elements and is angled specifically to best connect with the landscape. It houses the 1.4m deep pool whose water extends to the perimeter walls and a vast south-facing window, to seamlessly flow into the view. The white-washed diagrid glue-laminated ceiling adds an effortless, calming, monastic quality. The secondary volume (38m2) strengthens and shelters a rectilinear farm courtyard to the north, a space now defined thanks to the careful design of the new buildings. It is a simple mono-pitch volume, housing ancillary functions such as showers, changing rooms, and a small separate meditation area, connected to the main house through a new timber fin glazed link. The space defined between the two volumes (32m2) is the relaxation area, which binds the spaces together. Below the ancillary volume and the relaxation area is a basement plant room and the overflow tank, as well as a wine cellar (68m2). Through the glazed link, back in the main house, an old snooker room has been re-purposed into a new games room and gym (58m2).

Longitudinal Section

从结构上讲,它看似简单;复杂的技术元素隐藏得很好。在莫尔文游泳馆看不到的是任何服务,所以游泳池的缺点往往是。相反,这些被巧妙地浇铸在水下可进入(和可维护)的空隙中,同时一个巧妙的通风系统被整合到支撑屋顶的钢圈梁中。它的能源效率也很惊人:室内游泳池本质上是能源贪婪和潮湿的。Klas Hyllén的解决方案是一种超级隔热气密结构(屋顶隔热350mm,墙壁隔热300mm,地面隔热200mm),大大减少了热量损失和能源需求。砖石和木材的结合——涂层以提供进一步的抵抗力——是坚固的,可以承受未来几十年的湿度。
Structurally it is deceptively simple; the complex technical elements are well hidden. What isn't visible in Malvern Pool House are any of the services, so often the downside of the swimming pool. Instead, these have been cleverly cast into accessible (and maintainable) voids under the water, while an ingenious ventilation system is incorporated into the steel ring beam supporting the roof. Its energy efficiency is also striking: an indoor pool is energy greedy and humid in its very nature. Klas Hyllén's solution is a super-insulated airtight structure (350mm of insulation to the roof, 300mm of insulation to the walls, and 200mm to the ground) dramatically reducing heat loss and energy demand. The combination of masonry and timber – coated to provide further resistance – is robust and will withstand the humidity for decades to come.

© Hide Film for Klas Hyllén Architecture

Klas Hyllén说:“这个空间是一种感官体验。我们认为它在视觉上令人惊叹,但这种体验是亲身体验的——它涉及所有的感官、声学、温度、触觉和砖块上的水味,散发出这种非常令人愉悦的矿物味,几乎是修道院的味道。空气处理单元是它的心脏,确保温度恒定在29度左右,湿度恒定在55%左右。我们喜欢与自然环境的相互作用和成为景观一部分的乐趣。只有当你凝视宇宙进行夜间游泳时,它才会在这里倒退”。
Klas Hyllén says: "The space is a sensory experience. We think it is visually stunning, but the experience comes to life in person - it's about all the senses, acoustics, temperature, tactility, and the smell of water on brick which gives off this very pleasant mineral, almost monastic scent. The air handling unit is the beating heart of this, ensuring a constant temperature at about 29 degrees and humidity at about 55%. We love the interplay with the natural surroundings and the joy of being part of the landscape. And it backstrokes only here as you stargaze into the cosmos for a spot of night swimming".
