Casa Ona/Paloma Bau工作室
Casa Ona / Paloma Bau Studio
地中海风格的精髓:Casa Ona项目最引人注目之处在于其对地中海风格的深刻理解与细腻呈现。设计师并非简单地堆砌元素,而是通过对纹理、色彩和材料的巧妙运用,将地中海的阳光、海水、沙滩等意象融入到每一个细节之中。例如,贯穿始终的沙色地面让人联想到加的斯的海滩,洗绿色的中央岛台则让人联想起海水的流动。这种对环境的深刻感受和对细节的极致追求,赋予了Casa Ona独特的灵魂,使其成为对地中海生活方式的完美诠释。这种对当地文化的尊重与传承,是项目最闪光的地方。
建筑遗产的尊重与传承:项目在尊重建筑遗产的基础上进行改造,是其另一大亮点。设计师并未急于采用现代风格抹去历史痕迹,而是通过对原有结构的细致修复和重新利用,保留了房屋的独特韵味。外墙的绿松石瓷砖、木工和传统的阿利坎特百叶窗等元素,都得以保留和强化,成为了Casa Ona的标志性特征。同时,设计团队还注重发掘建筑原有的潜力,例如保留红砖承重墙,并利用其原始开口连接不同的空间。这种对历史的尊重和对建筑本身的理解,使得Casa Ona在现代化的同时,也充满了历史的沉淀和文化的底蕴,体现出设计者对建筑的敬畏之心。
空间布局的创新与实用性:除了风格和历史的传承,Casa Ona在空间布局方面也展现了设计师的创新精神。通过对原有分隔的打破,创造了开放、通透的居住空间。起居区采用了中央岛台的设计,将厨房、餐厅和客厅融为一体,增强了空间的互动性。此外,设计师还巧妙地利用隐藏元素,例如隐藏冲浪板的储物空间和灵感来自梅诺卡岛卡拉·罗塔的小浴室,实现了空间的多功能性和实用性。这种对空间的高效利用和对细节的精心雕琢,使得Casa Ona既美观又实用,充分满足了现代生活的需求,体现了设计师对居住者生活方式的深刻理解。
© David Zarzoso
© David Zarzoso
建筑师提供的文字描述Casa Ona位于瓦伦西亚受欢迎的卡巴尼亚尔钓鱼区,其质地和装饰都是对地中海的颂歌。Paloma Bau位于瓦伦西亚的工作室通过对建筑遗产的非常尊重的修复,突出了这座独特历史住宅的起源和性质。
Text description provided by the architects. Located in the popular fishing neighborhood of Cabanyal in Valencia, Casa Ona is an ode to the Mediterranean in its textures and finishes. The Valencia-based studio of Paloma Bau has highlighted the origin and nature of this unique historic home through a very respectful rehabilitation of the architectural heritage.
© David Zarzoso
© David Zarzoso
Paloma Bau的室内设计工作室对Casa Ona进行了修复和翻新,这是一座1925年的房子,位于瓦伦西亚Cabanyal渔业区的一座受保护的建筑中。从外面看,外墙覆盖着美丽的绿松石瓷砖,反映了这座独特建筑的特色和建筑印记。店主是一位年轻的海洋和冲浪爱好者,在这个受欢迎的钓鱼社区长大,他决定给祖父母的房子赋予新的生命,把它变成一个现代而实用的家,同时保持其地中海的精髓。
The interior design studio of Paloma Bau has carried out the rehabilitation and renovation of Casa Ona, a 1925 house situated in a protected building in the fishing district of Cabanyal in Valencia. From the outside, the façade, clad in beautiful turquoise tiles, reflects the character and architectural imprint of this unique property. The owner, a young lover of the sea and surfing who grew up in this popular fishing neighborhood, decided to give new life to his grandparents' house to turn it into a modern and functional home while maintaining its Mediterranean essence.
© David Zarzoso
© David Zarzoso
灵感来自地中海的设计。技术建筑师和室内设计师Paloma Bau及其团队恭敬地参与了这一翻新和修复项目。因此,她创造了一个新的空间,这是对地中海的真正颂歌,其纹理和装饰唤起了人们对大海和海滩的回忆。这座房子原本很暗,非常分隔,被剥去了不必要的覆盖物,露出了一个带有反抗的木结构和一堵将后露台隔开的承重墙。
A design inspired by the Mediterranean. The technical architect and interior designer Paloma Bau, along with her team, has approached this renovation and rehabilitation project respectfully. Thus, she has created a new space that is a true ode to the Mediterranean, with textures and finishes that evoke the sea and the beach. The home, originally dark and very compartmentalized, has been stripped of unnecessary coverings, revealing a wooden structure with a revolt and a load-bearing wall that divided the rear terraces.
© David Zarzoso
© David Zarzoso
The continuous sandy-colored floor stitches together all corners of the house, evoking the long beaches of Bolonia in Cádiz. The living area is articulated through a large central island in a washed green color, made with textured tiles and turquoise green silestone, reminiscent of the movement of the seawater. The kitchen, in neutral tones and oak wood, opens to the living room, unifying both spaces. The Mediterranean is also reflected in the color palette of the space. The brown and grayish tones, along with a deep and bright blue in the bathroom, evoke the Costa Brava and the open sea.
© David Zarzoso
所选家具包括地中海风格的家具,如餐厅的木制和绳椅,以及一张微型水泥咖啡桌,配有亚麻和棉质纺织品。立面是从尊重建筑遗产的角度进行设计的。Paloma Bau的团队通过木工和传统的阿利坎特百叶窗恢复了其原始美学,这些都是Cabanyal房屋的特色元素,从而保留了建筑的身份和性质。
The selected furniture includes pieces in a Mediterranean style, such as wooden and rope chairs in the dining room and a micro-cement coffee table, accompanied by linen and cotton textiles. The façade has been worked on from a perspective that respects the architectural heritage. Paloma Bau's team has restored its original aesthetics through wooden carpentry and traditional Alicante shutters, very characteristic elements of the houses in Cabanyal, thus preserving the building's identity and nature.
© David Zarzoso
© David Zarzoso
© David Zarzoso
Multifunctional spaces and hidden elements. Additionally, the living area features an ingenious permeable paneling made of lacquered wooden slats that hides a storage area for surfboards and a small bathroom inspired by Cala Rotja in Menorca. The private area of the home, consisting of an office and a bedroom with an en-suite bathroom and dressing room, retains the old reddish brick load-bearing wall, whose original openings connect the dressing room with the bedroom and the bathroom.
© David Zarzoso
装饰性照明由工匠Adriana Cabello设计的作品组成,采用相同色调的各种粒径的粘土,根据其位置进行纹理或釉面处理。同时,功能性照明项目被整合到天花板中或隐藏在结构中,从而增强了空间的观赏性和装饰性细节。
The decorative lighting, composed of pieces designed by artisan Adriana Cabello, incorporates various grain sizes of clay in the same tones, with textured or glazed finishes depending on their location. Meanwhile, the functional lighting project is integrated into the ceilings or hidden in the structures, thus enhancing the ornamental and decorative details of the space.
© David Zarzoso