Can House/PIN建筑师事务所

建筑设计 / 住宅建筑 2025-2-23 17:05

Can House/PIN建筑师事务所
Can House / PIN Architects

自然与建筑的和谐共生:Can House项目最引人入胜的亮点在于其对自然环境的深度尊重与巧妙融合。设计师在设计之初就将保护现有树木作为首要任务,并将其融入建筑的景观之中,这不仅体现了对环境的责任感,更创造了一种人与自然和谐共生的居住体验。建筑形体顺应地形,并采用大面积的玻璃幕墙,将周围的森林景观引入室内,使得建筑仿佛置身于自然之中。这种设计理念与可持续发展原则相辅相成,营造出宁静祥和的氛围,是现代建筑设计的重要发展方向。


空间叙事与居住体验:Can House在空间叙事和居住体验方面也展现出卓越的设计水准。U形的平面布局巧妙地适应了倾斜的地形,并朝向森林和远山。室内设计则充分利用日光,创造出动态的照明效果,增强了空间与用户的互动。精心挑选的室内材料、颜色和纹理,与住户的现代家具相得益彰,体现出他们的品味。而三棵象征“心”的山毛榉,以及“森林流过的房子”的描述,都赋予了建筑情感和文化内涵。这种对空间叙事的关注和对居住者体验的深入思考,使Can House成为一个真正意义上的“整体艺术品”。

© İbrahim Özbunar

© İbrahim Özbunar

建筑师提供的文字描述Can House位于布尔萨穆丹亚一个被林地环绕的住宅区,建在一座老房子的原址上。在整个建造过程中,我们非常小心地保护周围的树木和植物,并将其融入建筑项目中,成为房屋的景观。居民们将Can House描述为一个由土地地形塑造的自然和谐与人类存在无缝融合的地方,营造出宁静祥和的氛围。
Text description provided by the architects. Can House, located in a residential area surrounded by forested land in Mudanya, Bursa, is built on the site of an old family home. Throughout its construction, great care was taken to preserve and integrate the surrounding trees and plants into the architectural project, which became the landscape of the house. The residents describe Can House as a place where nature's harmony, shaped by the land's topography, seamlessly merges with human presence, creating a tranquil and calming atmosphere.

© İbrahim Özbunar

PIN's multidisciplinary approach, involving engineers, contractors, landscape architects, and construction masters, enables the creation of structures with unique expressive languages. The building's combination of concrete and glass, with sculptural precision achieved by concrete and formwork masters, helps create a design that harmonizes both with the built and natural environments. This collaborative process prioritizes creating high-quality spaces that maintain a relationship with their surroundings.

© İbrahim Özbunar

The design of the house adheres to sustainability principles, ensuring minimal environmental impact. The construction process protected the existing trees, utilized double-walled walls with heat insulation and moisture barriers, and implemented energy-saving measures. Eco-certified materials were chosen, decorative elements were minimized, and lighting and infrastructure were optimized for climatic conditions. No chemicals were used in the swimming pool, harmful waste was disposed of properly, and renewable energy was incorporated into the building. These efforts emphasize the project's commitment to sustainability.

© İbrahim Özbunar

Ground Floor Plan

© İbrahim Özbunar

© İbrahim Özbunar

房子的U形平面布置在三个不同的层次上,以适应倾斜的地形。这座房子朝向北部森林和南部遥远的乌鲁达山。中心生活区呈东西方向延伸,南北立面完全由玻璃制成,让自然光充满空间。居民们称这一特征为“森林流过的房子”。位于南露台和游泳池之间的三棵山毛榉被认为象征着土耳其神话中的“心”,为南庭院的隐喻意义做出了贡献,并为这座房子命名。“Kalpgah”一词,意为生命的中心,与心脏和胸部有关,反映在“Can House”这个名字中
The U-shaped plan of the house is arranged on three different levels, responding to the sloping topography. The house is oriented towards the northern forest and the distant Uludağ mountain to the south. The central living area, extending in an east-west direction, features north and south facades entirely made of glass, allowing natural light to flood the space. The residents call this feature "the house through which the forest flows." The three beech trees located between the south terrace and the pool are believed to symbolize "the heart" in Turkish mythology, contributing to the metaphorical meaning of the southern courtyard and giving the house its name. The term "Kalpgah," meaning the center of life and associated with the heart and chest, is reflected in the name "Can House."

© İbrahim Özbunar

The building's design emphasizes the interplay of daylight, which moves throughout the year and creates dynamic lighting effects in the interior and exterior spaces. The building's biophilic features, including plants, the surrounding forest, and natural materials, further enhance the sensory and emotional experiences of the residents. The materials, colors, and textures of the interior were chosen to complement the residents' mid-century modern furniture, reflecting their refined tastes. Daylight is integrated as a design element, shaping the overall atmosphere and enhancing the connection between the space and its users.

© İbrahim Özbunar

根据PIN作品的理念,Can House是一个有凝聚力的整体,从内部布局和材料到结构系统和基础设施,所有元素都和谐地协同工作。虽然可移动家具可以被视为独立于空间,但它仍然有助于房屋的整体美学和功能。Can House的所有建筑元素和家具均由PIN专门设计,是一个真正的“gesamtkunstwerk”——一个完整的建筑作品,整合了设计的各个方面,为居民创造了无缝的体验。
In line with the philosophy of PIN's works, Can House is a cohesive whole, with all elements - from the interior layout and materials to the structural systems and infrastructure- working together harmoniously. While movable furniture can be seen as independent of the space, it still contributes to the overall aesthetic and functionality of the house. With all architectural elements and furniture designed specifically by PIN, Can House is a true "gesamtkunstwerk" - a complete work of architecture that integrates all aspects of design, creating a seamless experience for its residents.

© İbrahim Özbunar

Can House/PIN建筑师事务所