
建筑设计 / 住宅建筑 2025-2-23 16:40

Sawmil Treehouse / Robbie Walker


结构与材料的创新: 考虑到澳大利亚的炎热气候和BAL 40丛林火灾区,建筑师在材料选择上颇具匠心。虽然室内采用了可持续的木材,但外部结构大量使用了钢材,这不仅满足了防火安全要求,还使得建筑在夏天能够保持凉爽。通过钢制板条的巧妙设计,建筑实现了遮阳和通风的双重效果,无需空调也能保持舒适的室内环境。这种设计不仅体现了对环境的尊重,也展现了对建筑功能性的深入思考。此外,将建筑抬离地面的设计,也为下方车库的设置提供了空间,充分利用了场地,增加了实用性。

客户价值观与可持续发展: 这个项目最令人称道的地方在于其客户的价值观。在追求利益最大化的社会环境中,客户选择了建造一个“小而美”的树屋,而非更大、更豪华的住宅,这种选择本身就体现了对简约、环保和可持续发展理念的坚持。建筑师在设计中也深刻地融入了这种理念,材料的选择、建筑的体量都体现了对资源和环境的尊重。这种以客户价值观为导向的设计,使得索米尔树屋不仅仅是一个建筑作品,更是一种生活态度的体现,是对过度消费主义的反思,也是对可持续发展建筑模式的积极探索。

© Tasha Tylee

© Tasha Tylee

Text description provided by the architects. This project is a nice example of a good design only possible with a good client. The brief was, "I want something small to share with my family and friends." Over the weeks until I visited the site, Hollie would send me pictures of all the trees explaining what they all were, never sending me tile samples or kitchen benchtop requests. Obviously, the site and how the building would feel were most important to her.

© Tasha Tylee

© Tasha Tylee

Site and Project Info – The site was the beginning of a gully where all of the street water was discharged. There is one apparent flat area close to the boundary, and all of it is covered in amazingly tall trees. The thought was to put the building up with the trees and out of the water. Inspired by the trees, the four columns represent tree trunks, and the slats catch light more randomly than a flat panel, like the leaves on the trees. They will also help the building breathe and stay cool, keeping the aggressive summer sun off the steel roof sheets and wall lining underneath. It's not a big building, just enough, one bedroom, bathroom, kitchen and living room.

© Tasha Tylee

© Tasha Tylee

将建筑建在地面上还可以让汽车从下面进入车库,车库利用了平坦的部分,里面有一个洗衣房和隐藏的室外厨房。巨大的树木使其成为BAL 40区,因此所有外部材料都必须不易燃。
Having the building off the ground also allows for car access underneath to the garage that took advantage of that flat section, which houses a laundry and hidden outdoor kitchen. The huge trees make it a BAL 40 zone, so all external materials have to be non-flammable.

© Tasha Tylee


© Tasha Tylee

Environmental Efficiency – Environmental efficiency. The true hero here is the client. I could say the interiors are entirely timber because it's a sustainably grown material, and the rest is steel because it's the easiest to recycle. But choosing to build something small when you have the space to go bigger takes real courage. Real estate agents advised that a four-bedroom, three-bathroom house would fetch the best price if they ever decided to sell. The bank would likely struggle to value a one-bedroom home in a rural area, making financing more difficult. When it comes to planning and building permits, there are hardly any cost savings—small projects still require the same consultants, reports, and approvals as larger ones. So, after all that effort, resisting the urge to simply double the material use and add extra bedrooms is no small feat. In a system that rewards excess, choosing to build less—not out of necessity but out of principle—is just as, if not more, important than the materials themselves. Seeing that decision through takes real courage.

© Tasha Tylee

兴趣点-澳大利亚阳光下的一座钢结构建筑在夏天会变得非常炎热(BAL 40丛林火区不能使用木材)。为了在没有空调的情况下离开,所有的墙壁和屋顶都覆盖着钢板,为建筑遮荫;板条和建筑物之间的空间允许空气通过,有助于冷却。
Points of Interest – A steel building in the Australian sun gets very hot in summer (and timber could not be used in a BAL 40 bushfirearea). To get away without having an air conditioner all walls and the roof are covered in steel slats that shade the building; the space between the slats and the building allows air to move through, aiding in the cooling.

Traditional Custodians of the land on which the project is built: The Taungurung people and Gunaikurnai People
