Ombak House/Arti设计工作室

建筑设计 / 住宅建筑 2025-2-20 19:14

Ombak House/Arti设计工作室
Ombak House / Arti Design Studio

设计理念的创新:Ombak House最引人注目的亮点在于其对传统空间利用的颠覆性创新。设计师将东南亚典型住宅的后院空间“搬”到了屋顶,创造了名为“Ombak”的半公共开放空间。这种设计理念不仅是对居住空间的一种重新定义,更是对社区互动和可持续生活的积极探索。屋顶的波浪形设计,灵感来源于“Ombak”(印度尼西亚语,意为海浪),不仅提供了遮阳,还象征着公共空间的开放性和可达性,这种设计在热带气候下尤其具有实用价值。


空间与社区的融合:Ombak House的核心精髓在于其对空间与社区关系的深刻理解。通过在屋顶设置开放空间,设计师打破了传统住宅的封闭性,为居民提供了交流和互动的场所。这种设计促进了社区意识的建立和增强。同时,项目也体现了对自然环境的尊重,将自然元素融入建筑,营造出舒适宜人的居住氛围。这种设计理念超越了单纯的居住功能,更关注居住者的社会需求和精神需求,构建了一种更加和谐、更有活力,更具未来感的居住模式。

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© Mario Wibowo

+ 29


Kecamatan Mampang Prapatan, Indonesia


Arti Design Studio


Area of this architecture project


568 m²


Completion year of this architecture project




Photographs:Mario Wibowo


Brands with products used in this architecture project

制造商:Owens Corning、Arturo Unique地板、Batagabit、Daikin、Dekkson Lock、多乐士、英菲尼迪、Jaya Board、科勒、马格纳斯铝业、米兰Ecowood、Reywood、锯末家具、Sehati、Simon、Skayu、Toto、托斯卡纳大理石
Manufacturers: Owens Corning, Arturo Unique Flooring, Batagapit, Daikin, Dekkson Lock, Dulux, Infiniti, Jaya Board, Kohler, Magnus Aluminium, Milan Ecowood, Reywood, Sawdust Furniture, Sehati, Simon, Skayu, Toto, Tuscany Marble

Lead Architects:

Raynaldo Theodore, Natasha Astari

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© Mario Wibowo

Text description provided by the architects. Inspired by a global ethos of comfort, safety, and peace, our design integrates multiple terraces, allowing nature to flourish within the home.the idea is to reclaim nature and the land that is usually found in the backyard of the typical house in south east Asia where families typically spend their time and move it to the rooftop of each house. The rooftop's open space offers residents the chance to participate in outdoor activities while taking in the view.

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© Mario Wibowo

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Section A

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© Mario Wibowo

The semi-public open space located on the rooftop is called The Ombak. 'Ombak,' meaning ocean waves in Bahasa, inspires these forms, which help mitigate the heat island effect while generating a comfortable passive microclimate underneath. This dual strategy will also shape an identity for sustainable urban living. which results from reclaiming the backyard space and placing it on the roof, is an effort to enhance the sense of community among all the residents. Each rooftop is designed with consideration of the sun's direction, creating wave-like curves that not only provide shade but also symbolize the availability of public space throughout the house.

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© Mario Wibowo

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Plan - Ground Floor

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© Mario Wibowo

Additionally, the shaded rooftop space helps reduce the heat entering the house, making the home more comfortable and reducing the need for air conditioning and artificial light, thus promoting sustainable living for a better future.

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© Mario Wibowo

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Exploded Axo

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© Mario Wibowo

This advantage of open space makes these homes not only a place to live but also a new symbol of sustainable living by integrating natural, social, environmental, and future factors. This makes the house unity with Arti's global concept of conversation for the future and creates a better world than before.

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© Mario Wibowo

Ombak House/Arti设计工作室