Relámpago House / h3o architects
© José Hevia
© José Hevia
Text description provided by the architects. The house, with a gable roof, is characterized by the materialization of lightning as a central element that defines and separates the interior spaces. The lightning, when transformed into a wall and luminaire, clearly and immediately structures and shapes the functioning of the different rooms.
© José Hevia
© José Hevia
h3o Architects的AdriàOrriols、Joan Gener和Miquel Ruiz强调:“La Casa Relámpago是一个项目,它讲述了我们在太空探索中最关心的问题之一:从幻想中获得形态和颜色。我们利用了多年前闪电击中房子的不可思议的历史作为灵感的起点。”。
"La Casa Relámpago is a project that speaks of one of our great concerns in space exploration: morphology and color approached from fantasy. We took advantage of the incredible history of a lightning bolt that struck the house years ago as a starting point for our inspiration," highlights Adrià Orriols, Joan Gener, and Miquel Ruiz from h3o Architects.
© José Hevia
Plan / Section
With this renovation, the studio's main intention is to generate a unique architectural experience that departs from the usual bland interiors. By combining transgressive architecture with an idea full of identity, a proposal is created that fuses geometries, materials, and colors, giving life and shape to a stimulating interior where the fluidity between spaces becomes the indisputable protagonist.
© José Hevia
From a morphological perspective, this challenge is approached with a zigzag distribution that shapes and divides the different areas of the house. Composed of angular lines and geometries that flow and link to each other, the project creates a visual and spatial effect that surprises the user.
© José Hevia
In addition, the wide range of vibrant colors strategically applied to the different masses and planes of the house allows for highlighting the shapes and volumes as well as distinguishing and unifying spaces. This chromatic choice creates an atmosphere that challenges the usual spatiality of the user and, in combination with a series of seemingly contextualized small stone elements, paves the way for sensations and memories that transform the space.
© José Hevia
La Casa Relámpago超越了传统的家的概念。通过真实的叙事来庆祝对艺术的热情,其目标是唤醒人们对日常生活的不同视角,在这种视角下,创造力和原创性是每一天的精髓。
La Casa Relámpago transcends the conventional notion of home. By celebrating the passion for the arts through an authentic narrative, its goal is to awaken a different perspective towards everyday life, one where creativity and originality are the essence of each day.
© José Hevia