Namoncahue House/施温贝尔加西亚-惠多布罗建筑事务所

建筑设计 / 住宅建筑 2025-2-14 14:19

Namoncahue House/施温贝尔加西亚-惠多布罗建筑事务所
Namoncahue House / Schwember García-Huidobro Arquitectos

创新的结构设计:Namoncahue House 项目在结构设计上展现了卓越的创新性。面对低承载力的地基、40%的坡度以及客户对高跷屋的要求,设计师巧妙地提出了四层房屋的概念,并通过四个半层的流畅整合,实现了功能与空间的完美融合。这种设计不仅解决了地形和地质问题,还创造了独特的居住体验。房屋建在靠山的线性挡土墙上,高跷深入天然土壤3米,从0层开始完全采用层压木柱和梁框架结构,既保证了稳定性,又与自然环境和谐共生。


立面与环境的对话:在立面设计上,Namoncahue House 采用了独特的覆层处理,通过不同的材料和纹理分解建筑的体积感。一座11米高的建筑在视觉上被巧妙地“隐藏”于自然之中,仿佛与周围的雨林和湖岸融为一体。这种设计不仅减少了建筑对环境的压迫感,还增强了其与自然景观的互动性。整体而言,该项目在建筑与自然的融合、功能与美学的平衡上达到了极高的水准,是现代建筑设计的典范之作。

© Nicolás Sánchez

© Nicolás Sánchez

Text description provided by the architects. This house is located on the shores of Lake Colico, in the rainy forests of southern Chile. Here, long rainy winters and a brief, warm summer are experienced. The house is situated on a steep lake shore, the southern shore, which is the ideal orientation for the southern hemisphere, as the sun and views coincide. The land, in turn, has a 40% slope, and its soil consists of a thick layer of vegetation and alluvial fillings.

© Nicolás Sánchez

© Nicolás Sánchez

客户要求的两个主要要求是:1)设计一座高跷屋,将其与土壤湿度隔开。鉴于土壤的低容量,这是默认实现的。2) 避免雨水排水沟,避免维护,并考虑宽大的屋檐,保护窗户免受雨水侵袭。
The two main requirements requested by the client were: 1) To design a house on stilts to separate it from the soil's humidity. Given the soil's low capacity, this is achieved by default. 2) To avoid rainwater gutters to avoid maintenance and consider generous eaves that protect windows from rain.

Plan - 1st floor

Cross section 1-2

The low bearing capacity for foundation, the high slope of the land, and the requirement for a house on stilts led us to propose a four-level house. Rather, four half-levels that integrate the life unfolding in the house in a fluid manner. This integration, sometimes visual, sometimes pedestrian, seeks to build a continuum in family life. On the other hand, the four half-levels also help separate situations that seek distance.

© Nicolás Sánchez

© Nicolás Sánchez

Plan - 2nd and 3rd floor

These four levels are: The "earth" level, which is the space generated between the natural soil and the elevated floor of the house. This level was given sufficient thickness to accommodate covered outdoor activities, such as a play area, covered parking, and storage rooms.

Then, half a floor above, the "fire" level is proposed, where the family gathering spaces are located, such as the living-dining room, game room, kitchen, and barbecue area. This level enjoys great views to the north and integrated spaces.

© Nicolás Sánchez

Subsequently, half a floor above, the "middle" level is organized, which integrates the access hall, visit area, and service area. Part of this level is visually integrated into the collective level, overhanging it, and gaining views of the lake.

© Nicolás Sánchez

Finally, the upper level, the "dream" level, corresponds to the family bedrooms, which face north and the distant views.

Structurally, the house is founded on a linear retaining wall against the hill and on the stilts that penetrate 3 meters under the natural soil. From level 0 upwards, the house is structured entirely in laminated wood pillar and beam frames.

© Nicolás Sánchez

© Nicolás Sánchez

At the façade level, the focus has been on decomposing the volume with different treatments in the façade cladding, so that an 11-meter-high house does not seem likeabuilding.

© Nicolás Sánchez

Namoncahue House/施温贝尔加西亚-惠多布罗建筑事务所