House U/滨田新田建筑师事务所

建筑设计 / 住宅建筑 2025-2-10 16:22

House U/滨田新田建筑师事务所
House U / Shinta Hamada Architects

场地与布局的巧妙融合:House U的选址位于郊区农业区,周边自然环境丰富多样。东侧稻田、南侧森林环绕的神社、西侧住宅区和北侧田地形成了独特的景观背景。设计师巧妙地利用场地特点,将建筑置于狭长场地的中心,形成紧凑的方形布局,并规划了北侧私人花园和南侧开放式花园。这种布局不仅最大化地利用了场地空间,还为居住者提供了丰富的自然景观体验,同时兼顾了隐私性和开放性,展现了对场地的深刻理解和精准把握。

功能与灵活性的完美平衡:House U的设计充分考虑了居住者的多样性。三个家庭、八名成员,各自有着不同的爱好和生活方式,但又共享一个大屋顶下的空间。设计师通过设置四个核心区域(厨房、浴室、卫生间和入口),并在其周围布置四个相同大小的私人房间,巧妙地实现了功能分区。同时,中央空间被改造为公共空间,大屋顶的设计既阻挡了强烈阳光和风雨,又通过屋顶开口引入自然光,照亮无窗的中央区域。这种设计不仅满足了当前的功能需求,还为未来家庭结构和生活方式的变化预留了充分的灵活性,体现了建筑的可持续性和前瞻性。

空间与情感的深度连接:House U的每个私人房间都位于建筑的四个角落,确保了不同的景观视野。通过设计与内部材料相同的深屋顶空间,营造出一种比实际面积更宽敞的视觉效果。更重要的是,无论居住者身处哪个房间,打开门即可连接到中央公共空间,这种设计强化了家庭成员之间的联系和互动。在现代快节奏的生活中,House U通过空间布局巧妙地促进了家庭情感的交流,使建筑不仅仅是一个居住的容器,更是一个温暖的家庭纽带,体现了建筑设计中对人文关怀的深刻洞察。

© Ken'ichi Suzuki

Text description provided by the architects. The site is located in a suburban agricultural area, with rice fields on the east side, a shrine surrounded by forests on the south side, a residential area on the west side, and fields on the north side.

© Ken'ichi Suzuki

Feeing such natural environments every day, three families (eight members) with different hobbies and lifestyles live under one large roof in this house. Therefore, we designed a simple architecture that can flexibly respond to future changes in the family and easily change the floor plan.

© Ken'ichi Suzuki


© Ken'ichi Suzuki

First, we planned a compact square building in the center of the long and narrow site. Then planned two gardens, a private garden on the north side and an open garden that can also be used as a parking space on the south side. As the main composition of the building, we distributed four cores consisting of kitchen, bathroom, toilet and entrance, and set up four private rooms of the same size between these cores.

© Ken'ichi Suzuki

And the central space where all the rooms are related was made into a common space. And we designed a large roof to block the strong sunlight and rain and wind peculiar to this area, and provided a large opening in a part of the roof to guide natural light to the central space with no windows.


Each private room are located at the four corners of the building, so the landscapes you can see are different. And by designing a deep under-roof space made of the same material as the interior, we created a space that feels wider than the real area. On the other hand, when you open the door, you can always connect to the central common space, and you can feel the connection of your family wherever you are.

© Ken'ichi Suzuki

House U/滨田新田建筑师事务所