
建筑设计 / 文化建筑 2025-1-14 11:47

Oman Across Ages Museum / COX Architecture

设计灵感与文化融合:阿曼跨时代博物馆的设计巧妙地融合了当地自然景观与深厚文化。建筑师从Al Hajar山脉的壮丽景色和几何轮廓中汲取灵感,使建筑与周围环境和谐共生。这种设计不仅展现了阿曼的自然之美,还体现了其丰富的历史和文化传承,为游客提供了一个沉浸式的文化体验空间,让人们在欣赏建筑的同时,也能深刻感受到阿曼的文化底蕴。



© Phil Handforth

© Phil Handforth

建筑师提供的文字描述博物馆位于阿曼最古老的城市之一尼兹瓦,其灵感来自Al Hajar山脉及其峡谷的非凡景观和几何轮廓。阿曼跨时代博物馆是对该国丰富的历史、文化和经济增长的庆祝,同时为阿曼的未来提供了令人信服的见解。该博物馆是阿曼人和游客的文化和教育地标。这座建筑从沙漠地面升起,一直延伸到地平线,其规模之大令人叹为观止。
Text description provided by the architects. Located in Nizwa, one of the oldest cities in Oman, the Museum is inspired by the extraordinary landscape and geometric profiles of the Al Hajar Mountains and its canyons. The Oman Across Ages Museum is a celebration of the country's rich history, culture, and economic growth over time while offering a compelling insight into Oman's tomorrow. The museum is a cultural and educational landmark for Omanis and visitors alike. The sheer scale of the building as it rises from the desert floor and stretches to the horizon is something to behold.

© Phil Handforth

作为一个文化地标,该博物馆通过一系列沉浸式的高科技体验,将游客带到了全国8亿年的历史中。该建筑以一系列棱角分明的几何形状从景观中显现出来,与Al Hajar山脉的山峰和山脊背景对话。展览设计与建筑相协调,通过最新的沉浸式技术庆祝阿曼丰富的遗产,从史前到现代。
As a cultural landmark, the museum transports visitors across the nation's 800-million-year history through a series of immersive, high-tech experiences. The building emerges from the landscape as a series of angular, geometric forms that sit in dialogue with the backdrop of the peaks and ridges of the Al Hajar Mountain range. In harmony with the architecture, the exhibition design celebrates Oman's rich heritage, dating from prehistory to the modern day through the latest immersive technologies.

© Phil Handforth

The sheer scale of the building is something to behold. It includes galleries, a library knowledge center, an auditorium, a workplace, artist-in-residence accommodation and studios, conservation workshops, cafés, and social and research spaces. The permanent exhibition space alone is 9,000 square metres and some galleries stretch more than 20 metres high. This gave us the freedom and space, literally and metaphorically, to create a truly dramatic and utterly jaw-dropping visitor experience through installations and displays on a scale that does justice to Oman's rich history.

© Phil Handforth

There were two central forces of inspiration that sat behind our initial ideas, the landscape, and the culture. The Oman landscape is incredibly potent, a raw but beautiful circumstance. In concert with that was the extraordinary history and culture of Oman and its people, the coincidence of this incredible piece of geography and human achievements became central to the design ideation. The Museum is very much about jointly celebrating these. The compositional outcome is a synthesis of a Nations incredible human achievement alongside a compelling landscape. There is an infinite source of inspiration. The flux between the intimate stories of people and the grand stories of their heritage and physical environment. The ideation for the architecture emerged seamlessly from these points of inspiration.

Courtesy of COX Architecture

Courtesy of COX Architecture

当紧邻的邻居拥抱这座建筑时,Al Hajar山脉形成了令人难以置信的锯齿状轮廓。作品是从这些非凡的形式中抽象出来的,并被翻译成这种独特的结构。建筑形式从南方生长出来,在北端的山峰上拔地而起。建筑本身就是故事的一个组成部分。它不仅仅是一个围栏,而且本身就是一个讲故事的载体。通过这种方式,博物馆的核心叙事得到了建筑本身的呼应和强化。一个成功的博物馆是讲故事、建筑、展览和体验品质的结合。正是这种完整的组合赋予了博物馆独特的个性和力量。
The Al Hajar mountains form this incredible jagged silhouette as the immediate neighbor embraces the building. The composition is abstracted from those extraordinary forms and translated into this unique structure. The building form grows up and out of the earth from the south, rising into its mountain peak at the northern end. The building itself is an embedded part of the storytelling. It's not just an enclosure, but a storytelling vehicle itself. In this way, the core narratives of the museum are echoed and reinforced by the building itself. A successful museum is about an ensemble of storytelling, building, exhibition, and experiential qualities coming together. It is this complete ensemble that gives the museum its personality and potency.

© Phil Handforth

The building seeks to offer this broad gesture of welcome and generosity of arrival which is an open invitation to join the museum. This invitation leads seamlessly into the Welcome Hall, which offers panoramic views of the surrounding mountains. This sets up carefully curated journeys. The journeys are largely intuitive and offer a progression of narratives from pre-history to the current day. The journeys are thus orchestrated but still retain a sense of spontaneity and variety. There is the ability to choose the pace and degree of forensic undertaking. Most critically, there is a clear progression from openness to immersion.

© Phil Handforth

The Oman Across Ages Museum constitutes a new paradigm in the museum experience. Its design uses the full array of architecture's potential for expression and communication, including scale, geometry, form, light, and vistas both as purely expressive devices, and to offer a wide range of possibilities for installations, displays, and performances across its varied spaces.

© Phil Handforth
