
建筑设计 / 文化建筑 2025-1-13 14:42

Shindagha Historic District / X Architects

文化传承与创新:信达加历史街区的改造项目巧妙地融合了传统与现代。X建筑师事务所以对Al Shindagha遗产和背景的深入研究为基础,旨在当代环境中复兴社区身份。设计中,新旧元素的有机结合,不仅保留了地区结构所描绘的自然与建筑环境的和谐,还通过创新方法重新诠释传统,如2020年世博会信达加欢迎馆的设计,其开放式“广场”和柚木屋顶,既向传统致敬,又赋予空间现代的灵活性。



© Fernando Guerra | FG+SG

© Fernando Guerra | FG+SG

建筑师提供的文字描述Al Shindagha历史街区位于迪拜河沿岸,南与Bur Dubai接壤,西与Rashid港接壤。1912年至1958年,迪拜统治者谢赫·赛义德·阿勒马克图姆在附近定居,Al Shindagha区开始扩张。
Text description provided by the architects. Al Shindagha historic neighbourhood is located on the shore of Dubai Creek, bordered on the south by Bur Dubai and on the west by Port Rashid. Al Shindagha district began to expand when the Ruler of Dubai, Sheikh Saeed Al Maktoum, settled in the neighbourhood from 1912 to 1958.

© Fernando Guerra | FG+SG

作为迪拜历史区的一部分,Al Shindagha与Deira和Bur Dubai一起,目前正在进行大规模的保护和翻新工作,将该地区变成一个著名的文化目的地。我们对迪拜历史区的翻修计划包括三个不同的项目,包括2020年世博会信达加欢迎馆、溪的故事和香水屋。
As part of Dubai’s Historic District, along with Deira and Bur Dubai, Al Shindagha is currently undergoing major conservation and renovation work to turn the district into a prominent cultural destination. Our scope for the renovation initiative of Dubai’s Historic District consists of three distinct projects which include the Expo 2020 Shindagha Welcome Pavilion, Story of the Creek, and the Perfume House.

© Fernando Guerra | FG+SG

Welcome Pavilion Plan - Ground floor

© Fernando Guerra | FG+SG

© Fernando Guerra | FG+SG

设计方法源于对Al Shindagha的遗产和背景的研究,旨在在当代环境中复兴和恢复社区的身份。在具有许多历史层的背景下设计游客中心和博物馆是一项具有挑战性的经历,通过在新旧之间建立连贯的综合来克服。传统上,该地区的结构描绘了自然环境和建筑环境之间的和谐与融合。X Architects将设计引向了一个方向,即重温过去,并以创新的方法重新诠释它,同时仍然植根于丰富的文化遗产。
The design approach originates from studying Al Shindagha’s heritage and context, aiming at reviving and restoring the neighbourhood’s identity in a contemporary setting. Designing a visitor centre and museum in a context with many historic layers was a challenging experience that was overcome by creating a coherent synthesis between the old and new. Traditionally, the district’s fabric portrayed harmony and integration between the natural and built environments. X Architects steered the design in a direction that revisits the past and reinterprets it in an innovative methodology while remaining rooted in the rich cultural heritage.

© Fernando Guerra | FG+SG

The Shindagha Expo 2020 Welcome Pavilion, is a new proposed building that acts as a meeting point and information centre for the expected visitors of Dubai’s Historic District. Situated between traditional mud houses, the pavilion is designed as an open ‘plaza’ with a roof. Teak wood has been chosen for the construction of this roof, as an acknowledgment of the significant role wooden dhows played in the triumph of Old Dubai. The shifting walls provide the flexibility to contain the space or let it flow out into the surrounding context.

© Fernando Guerra | FG+SG

Perfume House Plan - Ground floor

© Fernando Guerra | FG+SG

© Fernando Guerra | FG+SG

The Story of the Creek Museum serves as an introduction to the vibrant history of Dubai and provides visitors with an excellent understanding of the context in which Dubai grew and developed into the thriving metropolis that it is today. It also shows how the city’s leaders, both past and present, were essential in providing the vision behind this extraordinary expansion. Visitors will leave the museum with an in-depth understanding of how Dubai Creek has been a generator of trade, wealth, and success.

© Fernando Guerra | FG+SG

Shindagha Historic District -Diagram 02

© Fernando Guerra | FG+SG

Story of the Creek Plan - Ground floor

© Fernando Guerra | FG+SG

The Perfume House explores Emirati culture via scent and the heritage that stems from its fabrication and use. Visitors will be invited to explore scents via stations that allow them to compare and experiment with the different scents that are unique to Dubai. Scent is an integral part of Emirati hospitality, a well-balanced combination of tangible and intangible heritage come together to create a very compelling and unique story.
