柏林斯帕卡斯办公园区/Tchoban Voss建筑事务所
Berliner Sparkasse Office Campus / Tchoban Voss Architekten
© HG Esch
© HG Esch
建筑师提供的文字描述项目Square 1是一个开创性的办公园区,正在柏林Johannisthal建造,距离德国最大的科技园区和媒体中心Adlershof不远。TCHOBAN VOSS Architekten GmbH批准了该项目B部分的校园开发。这座由两部分组成的建筑群有五层,由玻璃桥连接,被柏林Sparklasse用作其总部,位于上市的Schoeneweide火车站(Bahnbetriebswerk(Bw))附近。
Text description provided by the architects. The project Square 1, a pioneering office campus, is being built in Berlin-Johannisthal, not far from Germany's largest technology park and media centre Adlershof. TCHOBAN VOSS Architekten GmbH gave the go-ahead for the campus development with component B of the project. The two-part building complex with five full storeys, connected by glass bridges, is used by Berliner Sparklasse as its headquarters and is located in the immediate vicinity of the listed Schoeneweide railway depot (Bahnbetriebswerk (Bw)).
© HG Esch
Elevation South West
© HG Esch
Square 1 B基于最灵活的空间概念。根据要求,独立的建筑部分也可以组合起来供单个租户使用。东北部的B1号楼和西南部的B2号楼由二楼和三楼的两层玻璃桥连接。这两座建筑的三楼都有宽敞的屋顶露台,每座面积265平方米,绿化茂密。它们是多功能的露天娱乐、交流和工作区。这两座Carré建筑还环绕着引人注目的绿色内庭院,里面有大量的休息区。20个凉廊定期分布在一到四层的上层,除了各种各样的立面网格外,还创造了额外的开放性和更多的户外工作和休闲机会。
Square 1 B is based on a maximally flexible space concept. Depending on requirements, the independent building sections can also be combined for use by a single tenant. Building B1 in the north-east and B2 in the south-west are connected by glazed, two-storey bridges on the second and third floors. Both buildings have spacious roof terraces on the third floor, each measuring 265 sqm and with intensive greenery. They serve as versatile open-air recreation, communication and work areas. The two Carré buildings also enclose striking, green inner courtyards with a large number of seating areas. 20 loggias are regularly distributed across the upper floors one to four and, in addition to a varied façade grid, create additional openness and further outdoor working and lounging opportunities.
© HG Esch
Plan - Ground floor B1 & B2
© HG Esch
The façade consists of white, custom-made aluminium elements. A storey-high mullion and transom façade was installed on the ground floor. The façade grid alternates from the first to the third floor. Optical horizontal and vertical contours give the façades a clear structure. Large, six-part panoramic windows on the fourth floor and glass balustrades on windows, terraces and loggias let the building complex appear open and modern and optimise the natural light entering the rooms behind. The colour scheme of the façade, its window elements with glass balustrades and glass corners as well as its loggias and the sequence of columns, which becomes ever wider towards the top, convey a deliberately light impression. On the ground floor of B2 there are two passageways to the inner courtyard, one of which has two storeys. The spacious two-storey entrance area in B1 is both inviting and prestigious. It leads to conference and training rooms as well as to an internal canteen. All areas of the building complex were designed to be barrier-free.
© HG Esch
Outdoor facilities
The outdoor areas of the campus create a variety of opportunities for work and recreation. The extensive green spaces act as a connecting element between the buildings and ensure harmony between nature and architecture. The inner courtyards are landscaped and can be used in a variety of ways.
© HG Esch
Longitudinal section B1 & B2
© HG Esch
The buildings are supplied with district heating and are equipped with concrete core activation as well as heating and cooling sails to keep energy consumption as efficient as possible and to create a pleasant indoor climate. The choice of building materials, the technical equipment and the energy concept fulfil the highest ecological and economic standards. The project was awarded gold certification by the German Sustainable Building Council (DGNB).
© HG Esch