ISHIMIRAI Lab. Showroom / POINT + Spicy Architects
创新展示系统:ISHIMIRAI实验室展厅通过其独特的展示系统,展现了“uni Marble Panel”材料的灵活性和多样性。展厅允许用户自由重新配置空间,测试不同的材料组合,这种互动性设计不仅增强了用户体验,也体现了建筑石材公司Yabashi Marble对创新和灵活性的追求。
未来材料探索:该展厅不仅是一个展示空间,更是一个探索大理石未来可能性的实验室。它超越了传统的展示功能,通过“uni Marble Panel”的多样化应用,为室内装饰提供了新的方向,同时也展现了Yabashi Marble公司对未来材料应用的深刻洞察。
© Kenta Hasegawa
© Kenta Hasegawa
建筑师提供的文字描述为了展示和展示成立于1901年的建筑石材公司Yabashi Marble的新型轻质“uni Marble Panel”的灵活性,我们提出了一个具有特定系统和环境的展厅,允许用户自由重新配置空间并测试不同的变体和材料组合。
Text description provided by the architects. To showcase and display the flexibility of the new, lightweight "uni Marble Panel" from Yabashi Marble, an architectural stone company founded in 1901, we proposed a showroom with a specific system and environment, that allows users to freely reconfigure the space and test out different variations and material combinations.
© Kenta Hasegawa
© Kenta Hasegawa
遵循Yabashi Marble的目标,“ISHI-MIRAI实验室”的目标不仅是成为一个发现大理石魅力的空间,而且要发现石头在未来的可能性,其中专门为室内使用设计的“uni Marble Panel”指明了方向。
Following Yabashi Marble's goals, "ISHI-MIRAI Lab." aims to not only become a space to discover the charm of marble but also discover the possibilities of the stone in the future, where the "uni Marble Panel," designed specifically for interior use, shows the way.
© Kenta Hasegawa
© Kenta Hasegawa
The system revolves around 4 booths finished in 4 different basic colors – black, gray, beige, and reddish brown – varying in color shades and materials. On a large display wall, 14 different types of "uni Marble Panel" can be viewed and prepared to be introduced into the differently-toned rooms. Each panel can be easily attached to and removed from the wall or furniture modules using special brackets.
© Kenta Hasegawa
© Kenta Hasegawa
Samples of different materials and textures, such as wood and metal, are also provided to facilitate an even more extensive testing of combinations with different materials. The chairs and other furniture around the central meeting table are made from a variety of materials and colors, including wood, aluminum, cork, and plastic. With "ISHI-MIRAI Lab." we are combining the atmosphere of possible interior scenarios and a functional, furnished space, which aids in expanding the imagination by focusing on the many uses of marble and in maximizing the appeal of the stone.
© Kenta Hasegawa
The "ISHI-MIRAI Lab." is intended to be a laboratory where the client, designers, and builders can explore how stone and marble can be used in building and architecture on various scales and in the future through dialogue and experience.
© Kenta Hasegawa