400 Wood Road/Balance建筑师事务所
400 Wood Road / Balance Architects
创新改造:Balance Architects成功将一座过时的办公和仓库综合体改造成一流的GMP/先进制造和生命科学设施。这一改造不仅涉及建筑外观和结构的全面翻新,还包括对电力和供水系统的大规模投资,以满足未来租户的高标准需求。
© Chris Rucinski
© Chris Rucinski
建筑师提供的文字描述2019年,Balance Architects着手将马萨诸塞州Braintree的一座过时的办公和仓库综合体改造成一流的a级GMP/先进制造和生命科学设施。除了对建筑进行全面改造外,还对电力和供水系统进行了重大的基础设施投资,以满足未来租户的需求。如今,该建筑已完全租给两个租户:神经外科的领导者Integra LifeSciences和专门从事高档布线的先进制造公司First Electronics Corporation。
Text description provided by the architects. In 2019, Balance Architects embarked on the ambitious conversion of an outdated office and warehouse complex into a best-in-class, Class-A GMP/advanced manufacturing and life science facility in Braintree, MA. In addition to the complete transformation of the building, significant infrastructure investments were made in both the power and water systems to meet the needs of future tenants. Today, the building is fully leased to two tenants: Integra LifeSciences, a leader in neurosurgery, and First Electronics Corporation, an advanced manufacturing company specializing in high-grade cabling.
© Chris Rucinski
The initial phase of the project involved stripping the building down to its core elements: the slab, steel columns, and roof. Prior to this intervention, the building, which housed a combination of office, lab and warehouse areas, was clad in dented and damaged metal panels, with outdated architectural concrete masonry units (CMU) at the entrance. The overgrown landscape had obscured the building, and the limited fenestration allowed minimal natural light to penetrate the interior. The interior space functioned as a dismal labyrinth of cubicles and corridors, completely devoid of natural light.
© Michael J. Mucciaccio
© Michael J. Mucciaccio
With the primary goal of bringing light deep into the building, the Balance team designed large windows across the facade and created a fully glazed, double-height entry. On the warehouse side, typically associated with artificial lighting, we introduced a double-height curtain wall along the entire length of the loading bay.
To create a highly energy-efficient envelope, the design team used a combination of insulated metal panels and a terra cotta rain-screen system, placing all insulation on the exterior. By carefully selecting the size and color of the terra cotta tiles, Balance created subtle shifts in color and movement along the expansive facade. Weston Architectural Supply oversaw the Herculean effort of unloading and installing the custom terracotta pieces, which were shipped out of order—the parking lot resembled a giant jigsaw puzzle for nearly a month.
© Chris Rucinski
在内部装修方面,Balance与专门从事高档布线的制造公司First Electronics Corporation(FEC)合作。该公司需要一个空间,不仅能满足其办公和制造需求,还能改变其团队的工作方式。总部位于波士顿的FEC拥有60多年的历史,为具有挑战性的环境定制电气组件。
For the interior fit-out, Balance collaborated with The First Electronics Corporation (FEC), a manufacturing company specializing in high-grade cabling. The business needed a space that would not only accommodate its office and manufacturing needs, but also transform the way its team worked. With a legacy spanning over 60 years, Boston-based FEC crafts custom electrical assemblies for challenging environments.
© Chris Rucinski
对于FEC来说,400 Wood Road是彻底改变公司运营的独特机会。庞大的设施使制造工作流程和办公室布局得以重新构想,增强了各部门之间的协作和联系。通过战略空间规划和安装突出的室内幕墙,新设计促进了制造、装配和工程团队之间的视觉联系。
For FEC, 400 Wood Road represented a unique opportunity to revolutionize the company's operations. The sprawling facility enabled a reimagining of manufacturing workflows and office layouts, enhancing collaboration and connectivity across departments. Through strategic spatial planning and the installation of a prominent interior curtain wall, the new design fosters visual connectivity among manufacturing, assembly, and engineering teams.
© Michael J. Mucciaccio
The revitalized lobby serves as a beacon of openness and innovation. Acting as a central gathering point for employees and visitors alike, the spacious lobby cultivates a sense of unity and pride among its workforce. A striking barrel vault spans the front section of the building, seamlessly linking various areas and departments. Natural light now floods every corner of the manufacturing floor, a dramatic improvement from the dim confines of FEC's former facilities. This abundance of daylight not only enhances the working environment, but also underscores the company's commitment to creating a modern, inspiring workplace for its employees.
© Chris Rucinski