品尝室烹饪中心/Abruzzo Bodziak建筑师事务所
Tasting Rooms Culinary Center / Abruzzo Bodziak Architects
创新与适应性:Abruzzo Bodziak Architects(ABA)设计的烹饪中心展现了后疫情时代工作空间的创新。该项目通过将一个未充分利用的设施转变为热情、光线充足的工作场所,不仅吸引了员工重返办公室,也为客人提供了沉浸式体验。这种设计不仅体现了对员工福祉的重视,也展示了空间多功能性的精髓。
© Michael Vahrenwald
© Michael Vahrenwald
建筑师提供的文字描述美国康涅狄格州诺沃克-Abruzzo Bodziak Architects(ABA)设计了一个创新的烹饪中心,在康涅狄格州诺瓦克一个未充分利用的设施内重新构想了疫情后的工作和生产空间。在接管了最初为大型餐饮服务设计的大型厨房和仓库后,ABA的客户——一个以创新美食、定制演示技巧和获奖食谱而闻名的烹饪和活动策划专业团队——向建筑师提出了他们所说的“幸福项目”。他们的目标是通过将新空间改造成一个热情、光线充足的工作场所,吸引现有和潜在员工在疫情后重返办公室工作,并为他们自己的客户打造一种身临其境的体验。
Text description provided by the architects. Norwalk, CT, USA - Abruzzo Bodziak Architects (ABA) has designed an innovative culinary center that reimagines post-pandemic work and production spaces within an underutilized facility in Norwalk, Connecticut. After taking over a vast kitchen and warehouse originally designed for large-scale food service, ABA's client—a team of cooking and event planning professionals known for innovative cuisine, bespoke presentation techniques, and an award-winning cookbook—approached the Architects with what they described as a "happiness project." Their goal was to attract both current and potential employees back to in-office work post-pandemic by transforming their new space into a welcoming, light-filled workplace for planners and chefs alike, and to craft an immersive experience for their own clients.
© Michael Vahrenwald
© Michael Vahrenwald
Tucked away in an industrial complex, the original building lacked light, comfort, and connectivity. A key challenge was introducing natural light into the centrally-located kitchen, the roof above which was fully obstructed by ductwork. Utilizing an adjacent area with minimal rooftop equipment, large rhythmically arranged skylights were added to bring light into a spacious, gallery-like open office. 50-foot-long parallel glazed walls are situated between the office and kitchen to distribute natural light deep into the building and foster connection between planning staff and chefs.
© Michael Vahrenwald
As the glass walls inhabit this threshold, they define a third space: a series of rooms designed as the social heart of the project. The tasting rooms, detailed in white oak and illuminated by warm, party-like lighting, create refined spaces that soften the adjacent stainless steel, white tiles, and brightly lit food preparation zone. The wood and glass bar is divided into three areas tailored for in-house hospitality: a cozy room for private tastings, a larger room accommodating twenty people for team meetings or larger tastings, and a secluded nook for private calls, paperwork, or one-on-one discussions. Each space features bespoke stone tables tailored to the architecture. Doors on both sides facilitate easy access and service, while the glass mitigates heat and noise, maintaining visibility into the bustling kitchen.
© Michael Vahrenwald
客人可以自由地穿过开放式办公室,在那里,大型定制家具定义了协作工作、休闲座位和办公室管理的区域。在大空间的两侧,私人办公室和连接大厅都覆盖着蓝绿色的面板,抵消了上方未完成的桁架天花板。镶板使用颜色来统一门口、窗户和小厨房木制品,并为前往独立浴室的客人提供半后台体验。在装修设计中优先考虑烹饪团队的员工和工作流程的同时,该建筑还以其原始和精致的空间热情欢迎客人。其适应性强的房间布局和无缝的视觉连续性使该建筑既能支持外部活动,又能作为一个引人注目的活动场所。ABA合伙人Emily Abruzzo表示:“我们的客户从事各种工作,从无浪费晚餐到与葡萄酒生产商合作进行亲密品酒,再到在大型公共活动中为数千人提供服务,因此没有一刀切的解决方案。”。“为了支持他们的活动,从测试和实验到高产生产,再到无缝和别致的现场托管,该设计提供了个性,同时允许极大的灵活性和开放性。”
Guests move freely through the open-plan office side, where large custom furniture pieces define areas for collaborative work, casual seating, and office administration. On either side of the large space, private offices and connecting halls are clad in blue-green panels that offset the unfinished trussed ceilings above. The paneling uses color to unify doorways, windows, and kitchenette millwork and to differentiate the semi-back-of-house experience for guests on their way to individual bathrooms. While prioritizing the culinary team's employees and workflows in the renovation's design, the building also warmly welcomes guests with its blend of raw and refined spaces. Its layout of adaptable rooms and seamless visual continuity allows the building to support external events while also serving as a compelling event venue on its own. "Our clients work on everything from no-waste dinners, to teaming with wine producers for intimate tastings, to serving thousands at large public events, so there's no one-fits-all solution," says ABA partner Emily Abruzzo. "To support their activities from testing and experimentation to high-yield production, to seamless and chic on-site hosting, the design provides character while allowing for tremendous flexibility and openness."
© Michael Vahrenwald