在Alenya/OMA Octavio Mestre建筑事务所共同工作
Coworking in Alenya / OMA Octavio Mestre Arquitectos
© Adrià Goula
© Adrià Goula
建筑师提供的文字描述在Les Caves Ecoiffier,位于佩皮尼昂(法国)附近的阿尔尼亚镇的一些19世纪的老酒厂,在从一个立面延伸到另一个立面的巨大木梁下,我们建议为该镇建造一个共享办公区,根据该地区年轻的当地公司和初创企业的需求,可以随意租用其模块,即南鲁西永公社(CCSR)。
Text description provided by the architects. In Les Caves Ecoiffier, some old wineries from the 1800s in Alénya, a town near Perpignan (France) and under enormous wooden beams that go from façade to façade, we propose a coworking for the town, whose modules can be rented at will, according to the needs of young local companies and start-ups in the region, the Communauté des Communes Sud Roussillon (CCSR).
© Adrià Goula
© Adrià Goula
这种干预使我们在后立面(装饰钢箱,可以像我们在巴塞罗那的Olive Guma诊所或我们在Tamariu的房子里一样居住)和屋顶上开孔,通过带太阳能控制的天窗照亮中央空间(当我们第一次参观时,内部空间非常阴暗)。
The intervention leads us to open holes in the rear façade (corten steel boxes that can be inhabited as we already did in the Olivé Gumà Clinic in Barcelona or in our house in Tamariu) and in the roof, through skylights with solar control that illuminate the central space (when we visited it for the first time, the interior space was very gloomy).
© Adrià Goula
We established a series of modules, many of them mobile to favor different implementations and modules accessible through sliding doors that can be joined at will with others. At the end of the enclosure, at the top, there is a small stand for presentations and community events. The project is committed to maximum flexibility that allows user rotation.
© Adrià Goula
© Adrià Goula
The regulatory need for a second evacuation route invited us to design the emergency staircase on the rear façade that dialogues with the new windows and is presented in a sculptural form. Above -and at the level of the beams-we proposed the rest areas from a recreational component: a series of networks that allowed the youngest to live in the clouds and have another spatial perception of the place that, finally, by the Complications that entailed regulatory effects were not implemented.
© Adrià Goula
The floor is exposed to concrete. Contrast is voluntarily sought between the new wooden modules and the old roof beams (trying to minimize height problems) while leaving the stone of the walls visible. One of the three public tenders won in France in the last three years, with C+D as a local partner.
© Adrià Goula