Vibra Caffé + Concept Store / Miguel Amado Arquitectos
文化融合与功能整合:项目所在的马维拉 8 号已成为多元文化汇聚地,此项目融入其中,将多种功能整合于一体。它不仅为居民和游客提供了文化体验场所,还在商业运营与艺术展示间找到平衡。其设计尊重历史文化,利用旧有空间与材料,打造出独特的文化商业空间,成为区域内文化交融与功能复合的范例。
© Sofia Dourado
© Sofia Dourado
Text description provided by the architects. The project is located in 8 Marvila, in the former wine cellars of Abel Pereira da Fonseca in Lisbon, an iconic location where the spaces are defined by their historic wine cellars. Today, 8 Marvila has become a place where art, culture, commerce, bars, and restaurants converge, offering a true cultural haven for both residents and visitors to Lisbon. The project embraces a genuine philosophy of material reuse, incorporating rubble, wood, iron, and metal sheets, as well as the old warehouse counters. This approach resulted in a temporary and dynamic rehabilitation of an old industrial space.
© Sofia Dourado
Planta - Primeiro pavimento
© Sofia Dourado
Within this setting, we were tasked with transforming a former storage room and a small adjacent area into a café, shop, and art gallery. On our first visit to the site, we were captivated by its existing industrial character and realized that our interventions should focus on minimalist solutions, introducing simple contemporary lines. We sought to include a unifying element that would stand out and spark curiosity among visitors to the surrounding spaces—achieved through the use of color, specifically red. Thus, the project’s concept is the “Unexpected Red.” As you move through the industrial hall, you encounter an area of vibrant color that creates a captivating and dynamic atmosphere. Raw industrial materials were retained, with a new, vibrant layer added on top. To organize the space, a structure with columns was designed to define the café areas, creating a sense of refuge within the vast expanse of 8 Marvila.
© Sofia Dourado
© Sofia Dourado
Inside the art gallery, the raw concrete walls were preserved to honor the history and maintain an almost cave-like authenticity. This scenographic atmosphere allows the exhibited artworks to take center stage, making them the primary focus. The newly introduced elements, such as staircases, lighting, and furniture, are mostly reused materials and were designed to harmonize with the existing industrial aesthetic. Black tones and minimalist designs add another layer to the existing framework. The dark atmosphere evokes a sense of discovery, while the lighting system is designed to awaken curiosity by illuminating unexpected corners of the space.
© Sofia Dourado