
建筑设计 / 教育建筑 2024-12-20 14:29

Humanitree School Hive and Flight / Rosan Bosch Studio




© Kim Wendt

© Kim Wendt

建筑师提供的文字描述Rosan Bosch工作室为墨西哥城的Humanitree学校-蜂巢和飞行(中学和高中)设计了一个全面而连贯的概念,将一栋办公楼上层的10000平方米改造成了一个最先进的学习生态系统。“Humanitree采用以学习者为中心的教育方法。由于我们都是不同的,以不同的方式学习,我们也会受到不同事物的启发和激励。一个灵活的学习环境,让学习者可以自由选择去哪里和做什么,这使他们能够做出选择,并培养他们对如何最好地学习的认识,”Rosan Bosch工作室创始人兼创意总监Rosan Bosche说。
Text description provided by the architects. Rosan Bosch Studio has designed a holistic and coherent concept for Humanitree School - Hive and Flight (Middle and High School) in Mexico City, transforming 10,000 sqm on the upper floors of an office building into a state-of-the-art learning ecosystem. “Humanitree has a learner-centered approach to education. As we are all different and learn in different ways, we also get inspired and motivated by different things. A flexible learning environment that offers learners the freedom to choose where to be and what to do enables them to make a choice and develop an awareness of how they learn best,” says Rosan Bosch, Founder and Creative Director of Rosan Bosch Studio.

© Kim Wendt

© Kim Wendt

The Humanitree School adopts a unique organizational proposal featuring three Learning Ecosystems: Mountain, Forest, and Coast. Inspired by Mexican landscapes, these ecosystems group areas of knowledge and facilitate orientation through the building, promoting a sense of well-being with carefully selected materials and colors. The pedagogical strategy incorporates six key learning situations – Discovery, Focus, Collaboration, Creation, Movement, and Encounters – that provide a diverse range of meaningful opportunities in the context of project-based learning.

© Kim Wendt

The concept for the landscape design mirrors these ecosystems, ensuring a seamless transition between indoor and outdoor learning spaces. The Coast Ecosystem emphasizes movement with a multi-sport court, the Forest Ecosystem prioritizes practical learning with urban gardens, and the Mountain Ecosystem focuses on social development with a central agora. The interconnected paths and the use of vegetation promote cohesion, creating a dynamic and inspiring learning environment that celebrates excellence.

© Kim Wendt

© Kim Wendt

人文树学校的新学习环境提供了一种有远见的、以学习者为中心的教育方法。与开创性的自由大学坐落在同一栋建筑内,这所学校形成了通往高等学术界的优雅而无缝的桥梁。学生们可以一瞥高等教育,并被邀请想象他们未来的学习道路,这是对终身学习广阔视野的召唤。Rosan Bosch说:“人类天生的好奇心是我们学习的主要动力。通过玩耍,我们调查和发现世界。我们与他人联系,与周围的环境互动。学习环境应该激发好奇心,为有趣和多学科的学习提供一个框架。”。
The new learning landscape of the Humanitree School offers a visionary, learner-centered approach to education. Nestled within the same building as the groundbreaking Universidad de la Libertad, the school forms an elegant and seamless bridge to higher academia. The students are offered a glimpse of higher education and invited to imagine their future learning path, a beckoning toward an expansive horizon of lifelong learning. “Humans’ natural-born curiosity serves as our primary driving force for learning. Through play, we investigate and discover the world. We connect with other people and engage with our surroundings. A learning environment should trigger curiosity and offer a framework for playful and multidisciplinary learning,“ says Rosan Bosch.

© Kim Wendt
