
建筑设计 / 教育建筑 2024-12-20 14:33

From Brown Coal to Education / Sehw Architektur




© Helin Bereket

© Helin Bereket

建筑师提供的文字描述卢萨提亚地区的高中综合学校和三场体育馆。Lusatia是一个前褐煤开采区,正面临着深刻的结构转型的挑战。为了留住该地区的年轻家庭,正在开发更多的教育产品——不仅在小学,现在也在中学。Spree-Neisse区位于勃兰登堡州东部,沿波兰边境,为一所高中和一个三场体育馆的综合学校铺平了道路。Sehw Architektur在赢得比赛后,将该项目作为一个包容性和鼓舞人心的学习环境来实施。
Text description provided by the architects. Comprehensive School with Upper Secondary Level and Three-field Sports Hall in the Lusatia region. Lusatia, a former lignite mining region, is facing the challenges of a profound structural transformation. To retain young families in the area, more educational offerings are being developed – not only in elementary education but now also in secondary schools. The Spree-Neisse district, located in the eastern part of Brandenburg along the Polish border, has paved the way for a comprehensive school with an upper secondary level and a three-field sports hall. Sehw Architektur, after winning the competition, implemented the project as an inclusive and inspiring learning environment.

© Helin Bereket

© Helin Bereket

© Helin Bereket

An urban concept in a rural setting. The urban planning concept impresses with its flat, cohesive design, which is divided into several volumes and thus optimally integrated into the landscape. The building ensemble spreads extensively across the site, with its structure responding to factors such as accessibility, noise pollution and topography of the site. The one- and two-storey building sections are connected by generous terraces, giving the complex an inviting and balanced appearance.

© Helin Bereket

Functionality meets aesthetics. Inside, the design captivates due to its clear organisation and flexible spatial structures. General classrooms on the upper floor provide a quiet learning atmosphere, while specialised rooms, administration and communal areas are located on the ground floor. Particularly striking are the cluster units, which create communicative spaces through central learning zones and generous flights of stairs. The roof terraces between the taller building sections can be used as green classrooms.

© Helin Bereket

© Helin Bereket

Sustainability and modern technology. The light-coloured brick façade lends the building an elegant appearance, harmonising with the surrounding nature. The material is typical of the region and highly durable. Large ribbon windows provide ample daylight and emphasise the rhythmic structure of the building. In the interior, natural materials such as wood, linoleum and stone dominate the spatial atmosphere. Open louvres in the communal areas and acoustic ceilings in the classrooms ensure optimal conditions for both lively interaction and focused work.

© Helin Bereket

© Helin Bereket

© Helin Bereket

Energy concept. Good indoor air quality, a crucial requirement for effective learning and teaching, is achieved through natural ventilation via manually operable windows. Interactive displays are equipped with CO2 monitors to help control the air quality. Energy-intensive ventilation systems are avoided except in special areas, such as the science laboratories. Heat generated in the rooms is automatically dissipated through natural night-time cooling.

© Helin Bereket

更自然的凉爽温度。从比赛阶段开始,景观设计就成为总体规划不可或缺的一部分。景观建筑公司Schönherr与Sehw Architektur合作,确保了该场地的大部分未铺砌。室外区域的绿色庭院、绿色屋顶和芦苇床创造了一个自然降温的小气候,并确保了复杂的雨水管理系统。这些措施有助于气候适应,即使在炎热的夏季也能使该地区变得宜人。
More nature for cooler temperatures. Landscape architecture was an integral part of the general planning from the competition stage. The landscape architecture firm Schönherr, in collaboration with Sehw Architektur, ensured that a large part of the site remained unpaved. Green courtyards, green roofs and reed beds in the outdoor area create a microclimate with natural cooling and ensure a sophisticated rainwater management system. These measures contribute to climate adaptation and make the area pleasant even during the hot summer months.

Site Plan

Ground Floor Plan

可持续性作为指导原则。建筑师Xaver Egger教授说:“我们希望尽可能少地使用技术。”。“例如,我们将可打开的通风口集成到带状窗户中,用于夜间制冷。凉爽的空气储存在混凝土天花板中,并在第二天释放。”通过这个项目,Sehw Architektur作为总规划师,与其合作伙伴一起创建了一个创新和前瞻性的教育中心,该中心不仅在建筑上给人留下深刻印象,而且符合功能、可持续性和包容性的最高标准。
Sustainability as a guiding principle. "We want to use as little technology as possible," says architect Prof. Xaver Egger. "For example, we've integrated openable vents into the ribbon window for night-time cooling. The coolness is stored in the concrete ceilings and released the next day." With this project, Sehw Architektur, as the general planner, together with its partners, has created an innovative and forward-thinking educational centre that not only impresses architecturally but also meets the highest standards of functionality, sustainability and inclusion.

© Helin Bereket
