4B塔/Ho Khue建筑师事务所

建筑设计 / 教育建筑 2024-12-16 16:42

4B塔/Ho Khue建筑师事务所
4B Tower / Ho Khue Architects

创新设计与自然融合:4B Tower 位于岘港活力中心,其设计创新地与自然绿化相协调,通过可持续策略充分利用自然能源。外部未加工混凝土与弯曲赤土砖百叶窗系统及悬挂花盆等元素,凸显了建筑的年轻与绿色活力。内部质朴的混凝土材料营造出吸引人且充满活力的空间,为年轻学习者提供了理想场所。

开放空间促进互动:作为外语教育中心,4B Tower 的开放空间设计从一楼延伸至五楼,鼓励教师与学生等用户间的接触,为开放、主动学习奠定基础。透明玻璃分隔的教室减少噪音同时保持开放氛围,屋顶游泳池及周边绿色植物提升用户体验,成为放松与团队活动的中心。

打造理想学习环境:4B Tower 以其独特的设计和材料选择,营造出既具吸引力又充满活力的学习环境。建筑线条与混凝土材料共同作用,使其成为年轻学习者练习国际语言的理想之地,体现了该教育设施追求的核心价值。

© Hiroyuki Oki

© Hiroyuki Oki

建筑师提供的文字描述AEC 4B Tower位于年轻城市岘港充满活力的中心地带,有9层楼和1个地下室。该项目展示了一种创新的建筑设计,与自然绿化相协调,同时通过可持续战略最大限度地利用自然能源。
Text description provided by the architects. Located in the vibrant heart of the young city of Da Nang, AEC 4B Tower features 9 floors and 1 basement. The project showcases an innovative architectural design that harmonizes with natural greenery while maximizing the use of natural energy through sustainable strategies.

© Hiroyuki Oki

© Hiroyuki Oki

Elevation 01

AEC 4B Tower作为外语教育中心,其设计旨在在建筑中体现连通性和活力。这在开放空间设计中最为明显,从一楼延伸到五楼,鼓励用户之间的接触,尤其是教师和学生。
Functioning as a Foreign Language Education Center, AEC 4B Tower is designed to embody connectivity and dynamism in its very architecture. This is most visible in the open space design, which extends from the ground floor to the fifth story and encourages contact between users, particularly teachers and students.

© Hiroyuki Oki

© Hiroyuki Oki

Plan - 5th floor

© Hiroyuki Oki

This interaction serves as a crucial foundation for open, proactive learning. Classrooms are divided by clear glass to reduce noise while retaining an open atmosphere. The space is further enhanced by refreshing greenery, with plant beds extending from the building's exterior. The user experience is elevated by a rooftop swimming pool, offering panoramic views of the city. Along with a walking path surrounded by lush greenery reminiscent of the countryside, the rooftop becomes a hub for relaxation and teamwork activities.

© Hiroyuki Oki


© Hiroyuki Oki

建筑的外部是用未经加工的混凝土完成的,并通过环绕结构的弯曲的赤土砖百叶窗系统加以强调。此外,悬挂式和固定式花盆的加入突显了这座教育设施的年轻和绿色活力。在内部,墙壁和天花板均匀地用未经加工和抛光的混凝土完成。建筑线条与质朴的混凝土材料共同营造了一个既吸引人又充满活力的地方,是年轻学习者练习国际语言的理想场所。这正是4B Tower所追求的核心价值。
The exterior of the building is finished with raw concrete, accentuated by a curving terracotta brick louver system that wraps around the structure. Additionally, the inclusion of both hanging and fixed planters highlights the youthful and green vitality of this educational facility. Inside, the walls and ceilings are uniformly finished with raw and polished concrete. The architectural lines, along with the rustic concrete materials, create a place that is both appealing and dynamic—an ideal setting for young learners to practice international languages. This is the key value that 4B Tower seeks to give.

© Hiroyuki Oki

4B塔/Ho Khue建筑师事务所