
建筑设计 / 教育建筑 2024-12-16 17:29

Berkeley Chess School / Rangr Studio

社会价值卓越:伯克利国际象棋学校成立于 1981 年,作为课后项目,如今每年教授湾区 7000 名儿童,还培养出三位无与伦比的国际象棋大师。40 年来,学校一直将国际象棋教学作为实现更大社会公平的工具,在学生无法参加此类课程的地方免费授课,并举办低成本夏令营和周五夜校。其社会价值不可忽视,为孩子们提供了学习和成长的机会,促进了教育公平。

建筑设计巧妙:Ranger 工作室在现有建筑基础上增加了 ADA 通道、咖啡馆和新教室。为控制成本,采用普通有色半透明玻璃板打造棋盘立面,店面墙壁建造成本低廉却极具创意。学校的身份在城市尺度上得以呈现,窗户不仅是能指,更是戏剧性地宣布建筑用途的空间元素,让游客、学生和老师仿佛进入国际象棋的世界,建筑设计与学校功能完美结合。

教育意义深远:伯克利国际象棋学校通过教授国际象棋,赋能儿童,是未来在 STEM 学科取得成功的预测因素。学校不仅传授棋艺,更培养孩子们的思维能力和综合素质。其教育理念和方法具有深远意义,为孩子们的未来发展奠定了基础。同时,学校的存在也为社区带来了积极的影响,促进了文化交流和社会和谐。

© Matthew Millman

© Matthew Millman

建筑师提供的文字描述Text description provided by the architects. Berkeley Chess School was founded in 1981 as an after-school program. It has grown today to teach 7,000 children a year in the Bay Area and has produced an unmatched three grandmasters. The founder's primary goal, however, has always been to empower children by teaching them chess, a predictor of future success in STEM subjects.

© Matthew Millman

Ground Floor Plan

The school teaches for free where students would not otherwise have access to such programs and holds low-cost summer camps and Friday night classes for kids throughout the year. BCS has been using teaching chess as a tool toward greater social equity for 40 years.

© Matthew Millman


© Matthew Millman

Rangr Studio's addition to the Berkeley Chess School's existing building provides ADA access, a cafe, and a new classroom. To stay within the non-profit's budget, so we got to thinking "What can we do with small (inexpensive) glass?" The idea of a chessboard facade came immediately to mind. Inexpensive to build, a storefront wall uses ordinary tinted and translucent panes of glass to create the image of a chessboard.

© Matthew Millman

The school's identity becomes present at an urban scale, and the window transcends being a signifier-- it becomes a spatial element that dramatically announces the building's use. Visitors, students, and teachers enter the building at the side of the facade, behind the chessboard window, metaphorically entering the world of chess.

© Matthew Millman
