Healthy Planet School / Vir.Mueller Architects
© Andre J Fanthome, Suryan // Dang
© Andre J Fanthome, Suryan // Dang
Text description provided by the architects. The intensity of megacity urbanity, where air pollution and environmental degradation are pre-conditions for design, presents a particular challenge for the creation of secure environments for education. Conceptualized as a 'cocoon', this project for a pre-school and kindergarten aspires to be a luminous safe haven for young children as they engage with early years learning. Organized as a set of organic 'cells' of curved brick walls punctuated by circular porthole windows, the learning spaces weave a tactile ring around a courtyard.
© Andre J Fanthome, Suryan // Dang
© Andre J Fanthome, Suryan // Dang
Lined with slats of birch plywood ñ a soft counterpoint to the brick, the courtyard assumes primacy as the focal space within - draped in a tent and illuminated softly from skylights. Exposed concrete columns and slabs, and terrazzo flooring embedded with stone chips serve as the primary materials for the project. A concrete cylinder conceals an elevator and offers a canvas for the play of light and shadow ñ circles of light become a kinetic presence on its curved surface. The terrace playground encircles the tented courtyard, offering a safe space for the children to run, play, picnic, and soak in the winter sunshine.
© Andre J Fanthome, Suryan // Dang
© Andre J Fanthome, Suryan // Dang
Ecological values drove the design, although the clients were unequivocal in their belief that building sustainably was not to be confused with obtaining any certification! The building - a three-storeyed low-rise structure, built to the seismic codes for a Zone 4 site ñ comprises a reinforced concrete frame structure, with infill walls built in a 'rat-trap' bond configuration. This enabled a significant material saving (almost 35% fewer bricks were used). The interior gains great thermal comfort from the air-cavity in the bond and the building has a remarkably low air-conditioning load.
© Andre J Fanthome, Suryan // Dang
© Andre J Fanthome, Suryan // Dang
© Andre J Fanthome, Suryan // Dang
All exterior glazing is screened behind a brick lattice ñ for privacy and for the elimination of glare. Summer temperatures are routinely over 45 degrees Celsius (113 F), but the building naturally maintains an internal ambient temperature of 32 ñ 33 degrees Celsius. No paint has been used in the entire building. Hence, all surfaces ñ the terrazzo and brick floors, the brick walls and concrete columns and slabs, and the birch doors and railings - are all used in their 'natural' state. Suffused with natural illumination, the building uses minimal electric light during the daytime schedule.
© Andre J Fanthome, Suryan // Dang
All water used in the building is routed to a small on-site sewerage treatment plant, minimally treated, and then recycled in the pollinator garden that encircles the building. Most significantly, the two-year-long construction process offered full-time employment to over fifty masons, carpenters, bricklayers, electricians, and plumbers. The social and economic impact of this craft-based construction technique has been significant. No commercial construction company was engaged; the clients and architects worked directly with skilled craftspeople, on long-term contracts, thus enabling them to have a secure work environment.
© Andre J Fanthome, Suryan // Dang
在过去的二十年里,印度的快速城市化进程见证了设计水平和建筑质量的急剧下降。大多数建筑都是以ëL 1í合同体系为前提的,在这种体系中,最便宜的短期建筑成本似乎正在推动我们城市的发展。这个项目的设计和建造都很经济(最终建筑成本在每平方英尺42-45美元之间,包括所有建筑和室内设计),提出了一个乐观的建筑前提:谨慎和道德的设计可能会修复陷入困境的城市的生活结构,并释放新的美感和机会。
Over the course of the past two decades, the rapid urbanization of India has witnessed a dramatic fall in the caliber of design and the quality of construction. Most architecture is premised on the ëL 1í contract system where the cheapest short-term cost of building seems to be driving the growth of our cities. This project, designed and built economically (final construction costs were in the range of $42-$45 per square foot inclusive of all architecture and interiors) posits an optimistic architectural premise: careful and ethical design may yet mend the fabric of lives in beleaguered cities, and unleash new senses of beauty, of opportunity.
© Andre J Fanthome, Suryan // Dang