Benfica Kindergarten / DNSJ.arq
© Carolina Delgado
© Carolina Delgado
Text description provided by the architects. The renovation of the Benfica Kindergarten, a building originally dating from 1995, sought to improve the building's performance by correcting pathologies, renewing the infrastructure networks, making it suitable for use by people with reduced mobility and improving safety conditions, particularly against fire.
© Carolina Delgado
Volumetric reinforcement of the existing “object”
In terms of urban image, the aim was to reinforce the relatively simple volumetry of the existing building by treating the volume in monochrome, which differentiates the equipment from the visually disorganized urban context.
© Carolina Delgado
Plan - Ground floor
© Carolina Delgado
A unitary treatment was proposed for the whole complex by choosing a single shade for walls, roofs and openings, which allows the boundaries between planes to be blurred and the whole building to be unified.
© Carolina Delgado
Section A
© Carolina Delgado
Section C
© Carolina Delgado
Functional reorganization
In oder to take advantage of the existing spatial potential, the following was proposed:
- The placement of the staircase in an exterior volume connected to the atrium, adding it to the building, which made it possible to intervene in a less intrusive way on the existing structure.
- Functional differentiation by wing, placing the activity rooms and their respective toilet/storage areas at the ends of both wings, reserving the central part for the staff and kitchen/dining areas along with access to the upper floor.
- The interiorization of the covered gallery to the south and east using a glazed system, which functions as a perimeter distribution circuit, under cover, allowing much more comfortable access to the spaces.
© Carolina Delgado
- Use of the roof's basement in both wings for support rooms with toilets. Roof openings were opened up to provide this space with adequate ventilation and natural lighting. Direct exits to the outside were created, one in each wing.
- The integration of an articulation zone between the street and the building, replacing the existing canopy. This area serves as a covered recreation area and outdoor waiting area, from which you can access a distributor atrium, articulating with the new interior corridors and the new staircase connecting floors and access to the cafeteria.
- Partial covering of the play area, allowing natural light to pass through using a transparent covering surface made up of honeycomb polycarbonate sheets.
© Carolina Delgado