波士顿大学计算与数据科学中心/KPMB Architects

建筑设计 / 教育建筑 2024-12-5 16:26

波士顿大学计算与数据科学中心/KPMB Architects
Boston University Center for Computing & Data Sciences / KPMB Architects

创新设计-打造垂直学术社区:波士顿大学计算与数据科学中心以其独特的设计令人瞩目。19 层的建筑大胆矗立在查尔斯河岸,悬挑体量和特色立面既增添了线性美学,又有助于舒适性和可持续性。中心作为上升的学术社区,不同楼层对应不同学科,中央中庭和互连楼梯促进了学科交叉与思想交流。其透明多孔的设计还充当了城市门廊,为人们提供抵达、学习和聚会的场所。

可持续发展-树立新标杆:该中心为未来学术建筑树立了可持续发展的新先例。目标是获得 LEED 白金认证,采用地热闭环系统、可再生能源和替代能源,如地下水补给系统和外部遮阳系统。这与波士顿大学的气候行动计划相契合,到 2040 年将碳排放量减少到零。绿色屋顶和露台也加强了与自然环境的连接。


© Tom Arban

© Tom Arban

Text description provided by the architects. The Center for Computing & Data Sciences at Boston University is a landmark for the university. It transforms the skyline, meets laudable sustainability goals, and prioritizes human-centered design, maximizing collaboration and interconnectivity. The project brings together the mathematics, statistics, and computer science departments, building community among the 3000 students, faculty, and staff. Realized as a vertical campus.

© Tom Arban


Towering boldly over the banks of the Charles River at 19 stories, and spanning 345,000 square feet, the Center is the largest, sustainable, operational fossil fuel-free building in Boston. Recognized by its cantilevered volumes that feature both reddish-brown-colored diagonal louvered (to minimize solar gain and maximize shading) and gleaming mirrored sawtooth facades that rest atop the triple-glazed curtain wall that clads the structure. While contributing to the building’s distinctive linear aesthetic, these design elements also contribute to comfort and sustainability efforts, keeping the building warmer in the winter and cooler in the summer.

Plan - Site

The podium juts out to hover over Commonwealth Avenue to complete the streetscape and generate maximum ground-floor animation on the avenue. Highly transparent and porous, it functions as an urban porch for arrival, study, and gathering. The Center is conceptualized to function as ascending academic neighborhood with lower floors devoted to math and statistics, middle floors for computer science, and top floors for interdisciplinary work and public space. A central atrium unites faculty and students in a collaborative spirit and an interconnected staircase emerges from the area weaving upwards of 138 floors to connect various disciplines, nurture cross-pollination of ideas, and spark serendipitous encounters.

© Tom Arban

The design sets an ambitious new sustainability precedent for future academic buildings in Boston and beyond. In line with Boston University’s Climate Action Plan, which aims to reduce the institution’s carbon emissions to zero by 2040, the Center is targeted to attain LEED Platinum and is 100% operational fossil-fuel free with a geothermal closed-loop system that heats and cools the building through a ground source heat pump system.

© Tom Arban

Plan - First floor

Plan - Second floor

The building draws on renewable and alternative energy sources, including groundwater recharge systems and cutting-edge exterior shading systems. Open interior spaces take advantage of the Center’s unique position in the heart of Boston, with expansive river views afforded from three sides of the building. Classrooms and collaboration spaces are illuminated with an abundance of light with floor-to-ceiling windows to remind students enveloped in the digital realm to remain inspired by the natural world and remember the link between technology and humanity. Whiteboard walls throughout the core stimulate collaborative ideation while putting processes on display.

© Tom Arban

© Tom Arban

The state-of-the-art building includes 12 classrooms, two computer labs, a cafe on the ground floor, numerous collaboration spaces, and a plaza with a covered bike shelter. The stacked campus culminates in an event space and a three-story-high open-air pavilion. Green roofs and terraces are located throughout the Center to connect students, faculty, and staff to the natural environment, and offer views of the city. These open spaces allow for increased connection and collaboration among the various departments that now call the Center home.

© Tom Arban

波士顿大学计算与数据科学中心/KPMB Architects