基础设施Isae Supmeca工程学院/Carriere Didier Gazeau
Infrastructure Isae-Supmeca Engineering School / Carriere Didier Gazeau
历史与现代的融合:该项目巧妙地将 19 世纪的历史建筑与 2009 年的现代风格扩建部分相连。地下连接不仅仅是功能的实现,更成为校园用户的新空间。新的天棚在历史庭院中如抽象圆盘,为学校提供庇护,与礼堂前的现代几何形状相得益彰。红色污渍的钢筋混凝土结构既呼应历史建筑的装饰性砖砌,又展现出基础设施工程的施工过程,实现了历史与现代的完美融合。
城市更新的贡献:Isae Supmeca 工程学校的项目作为奥运会和残奥会城市重建项目的一部分,对城市更新做出了重要贡献。开辟的街道和新的连接不仅完善了校园的功能,还在圣乌恩的历史与运动员村创建相关的城市更新之间架起了桥梁。项目的实施体现了对历史的尊重和对未来的展望,为城市发展注入了新的活力。
© Olivier Knepper
© Olivier Knepper
建筑师提供的文字描述Isae Supmeca工程学校位于巴黎北郊的圣图恩,作为奥运会和残奥会城市重建项目的一部分,其空间组织受到了重大影响。这涉及在校园内开辟一条街道,为新的运动员村区创建道路网络。该项目旨在重新连接学校的两个部分,并通过在两座建筑之间建立一条新的连接,在新道路下通过,恢复其功能连续性。
Text description provided by the architects. Located in Saint-Ouen in the northern suburbs of Paris, the site of the Isae-Supmeca Engineering School saw its spatial organization significantly impacted as part of the urban redevelopment project for the Olympic and Paralympic Games. This involved cutting a street through the campus to create the road network for the new Athletes' Village district. The project aims to reconnect the two parts of the school and restore its functional continuity by creating a new link between the two buildings, passing under the new road.
© Olivier Knepper
© Olivier Knepper
向南,这条连接线通往历史悠久的Isae Supmeca大楼,这是圣乌恩国家商业与工业专业学院的旧址。这座设计经典的19世纪建筑以其对称的组成、规则的结构和有序的立面为特征。在北面,这条连接线与2009年以现代风格建造的学校扩建部分(容纳学校的礼堂)相连。从城市的角度来看,新画廊旨在弥合圣乌恩的历史与运动员村创建相关的城市更新之间的差距。
To the south, the link leads into the historic Isae-Supmeca building, the former premises of the Ecole Nationale Professionnelle de Commerce et d'Industrie de Saint-Ouen. This classically designed 19th-century building is characterized by its symmetrical composition, regular construction, and ordered facades. To the north, the link connects with the school extension (housing the school's auditorium) built in 2009 in a resolutely contemporary style. From an urban point of view, the new gallery is intended to bridge the gap between Saint-Ouen's historic past and the urban renewal associated with the creation of the Athletes' Village.
© Olivier Knepper
As a central element of the project, the underground link, passing under the historic building and the street, must be more than a simple functional link. Its extremities are materialized on the surface by two canopies, one newly created in the historic courtyard, the other redesigned in front of the auditorium. Going beyond its function as a link, it becomes a new space appropriated by campus users. A link and a place for the school. On the historic side, the new canopy is positioned in the right center of the courtyard, acting as a signpost. It houses the spiral staircase that descends in a fluid movement to the gallery. Like an abstract disc floating in the historic courtyard, the new canopy provides a shelter for the school. On the other side of the crossing, the gallery emerges in a simpler geometry, with a set of staircases developing in continuity with the contemporary architecture of the auditorium.
© Olivier Knepper
Detail Section
© Olivier Knepper
Necessarily made of reinforced concrete, the structure's infrastructure is coated with a red stain that recalls the ornamental brickwork of the historic building, while revealing the material's appearance. The materiality of the shotcrete, left untreated, reveals the construction process of this infrastructural work. The treatment of the interior floors, staircases, and gallery follows the same logic, with the use of red porphyry aggregates providing visual continuity with the stained concrete walls.
© Olivier Knepper
该项目既是校园的基础设施,也是新的建筑空间,需要动员雄心勃勃的建设性和结构性程序,以保护现有建筑及其在工程期间的活动。Isae Supmeca学校重新连接廊道的建设完全是在一个有功能连续性的占用场地上进行的,这引发了重大的运营问题。这是一个真正的技术和组织挑战,有必要部分挖掘学校的两个庭院,然后挖掘历史建筑下的画廊,同时确保两座现有建筑的结构稳定性。
Both an infrastructure and a new architectural space for the campus, the project required the mobilization of ambitious constructive and structural procedures to preserve the existing buildings and their activities during the works. Entirely carried out on an occupied site with functional continuity, the construction of the reconnection gallery at the Isae-Supmeca School raised major operational issues. A real technical and organizational challenge, it was necessary to partially excavate the school's two courtyards and then dig the gallery under the historic building, while ensuring the structural stability of the two existing buildings.
© Olivier Knepper