
建筑设计 / 文化建筑 2024-11-22 10:18

Pavilion Atlas / Praktika

创新的展览形式:这个项目以独特的方式呈现了维尔纽斯的历史。分散式展馆的设计,将 16 个物品组成严格网格分散在公园中,与现有公园系统和历史文物相交,产生了多样化的媒介,让游客能够从不同层次探索历史展览材料。3D 打印模型、环境声音、历史叙事和视频投影等元素的结合,为观众带来了丰富的感官体验。同时,露天剧场等各种元素成为信息载体,统一于维尔纽斯老城的历史色彩中,营造出了“亭子中的城市”的独特氛围。


© Gabija Strockyte

© Gabija Strockyte

建筑师提供的文字描述遗产背景-2023年,年轻的立陶宛建筑师二人组Dalia Puodziute Seniuniene&;朱利叶斯·塞尼纳斯设计了一个名为“阿特拉斯-200年前的维尔纽斯”的展馆,作为立陶宛维尔纽斯市700周年庆典的一部分。
Text description provided by the architects. Heritage Context - In 2023 young emerging Lithuanian architect duo Dalia Puodziute Seniuniene & Julius Seniunas executed a pavilion entitled ‘Atlas - ‘Vilnius 200 years ago’ as a part of the celebration of Vilnius city 700th anniversary in Lithuania.

© Gabija Strockyte

Lithuanian National Museum announced an open call for proposals to design a temporary pavilion to host a very important and sensitive exposition which should step out of the enclosed spaces of the museum and enter the city park in front of the museum building - in a UNESCO heritage old town of Vilnius, just in front of the Gediminas Castle hill. Succeeding to propose a new way of museum - an open exposition dispersed in the New Arsenal park, the project by an architects duo became a reality in the Spring of 2023. Throughout half a year, the temporary pavilion ‘Atlas’ hosting an exhibition of Vilnius city 200 years ago became the most visited exhibition of the Lithuanian National Museum. The temporary pavilion inhabited a never-seen-before model of Vilnius city meticulously recreated from recently discovered historical maps and drawings from the archives that the Lithuanian National Museum discovered and have brought to the daylight to compose this specific exhibition.

© Gabija Strockyte


© Gabija Strockyte

Dispersed type of the pavilion - Forming a strict grid of 16 objects scattered at the New Arsenal park intersecting with the existing park system as well as historical artifacts within the archeological context, the pavilion Atlas generated a series of diverse mediums to enable visitors to explore different layers of the historical exhibition material. The main 3D printed model of Vilnius city was supported with ambient sound as well as historical narratives and video projections, recreated visuals were exposed on the 4 Walls of the pavilion, and Rotonda hosted a historical map of Vilnius city printed on the inside of the curtain flowing in the wind.


© Gabija Strockyte

物体对不同公园物体和背景的简单而奇怪的组织,激活了这个区域。展馆中分散的物体可以从不同的角度进行不同的处理,创造出多样化的叙事,为市民和游客留下空间和选择,让他们自己探索展览。露天剧场、Triplech、Rotonda、Walls、Forum、Flags、Stage、Info stands等都成为了露天博物馆的信息载体,从上面看,维尔纽斯老城的历史色彩将其统一起来,纪念维尔纽斯700周年。它不仅成为了城市中的亭子,而且成为了亭子中的城市。
The simple, yet curious organization of the objects reacting to different park objects and backdrops, activates the area. The scattered objects of the pavilion could be approached differently from different sides, creating a diversity of narratives and leaving space and options for the citizens and travelers to explore the exposition on their own. The amphitheater, Triptych, Rotonda, Walls, Forum, Flags, Stage, Info stands, etc. all became information carriers in an open-air museum, unified by the historical color of Vilnius old town as seen from above, imprinting the celebration of Vilnius 700th anniversary. It became not only the pavilion in a city but rather a city in a pavilion.

© Gabija Strockyte

Pavilion Section

© Gabija Strockyte

Adaptive reuse - The typology of a temporary pavilion always raises an essential question on how this structure could be reused. From the very start, it was designed in a way to be easily assembled, stored compactly, and smoothly reassembled in another situation. This enables the diversity of objects to create an ever-changing formula generating new scenarios in alternative contexts and is adaptive to different purposes/locations/aspirations.

© Gabija Strockyte
