EMission Zero Hub/米勒赫尔合作伙伴关系
EMission Zero Hub / Miller Hull Partnership
可持续发展的典范:EMission Zero Hub 项目堪称可持续发展的杰出范例。业主、承包商和建筑师共同努力,实现了项目 100%的碳抵消。通过教育、倡导和抵消的多维度举措,不仅在设计上实现了环境友好,还为建筑行业的脱碳树立了新标杆。对联合湖码头的翻新,充分体现了对现有建筑价值的尊重,其再利用产生的排放量远低于新建筑,为可持续发展提供了切实可行的路径。
合作共创未来:该项目展示了志同道合的合作伙伴共同为环保努力的强大力量。Miller Hull、Vulcan Real Estate 和 Abbott Construction 的合作,从设计到施工,再到抵消碳排放,每个环节都体现了对可持续发展的承诺。这种合作模式为西雅图及其他地区的环保建筑树立了新标准,也为创造更可持续的未来提供了动力,激励着更多人效仿。
© Vulcan Real Estate
© Ben Benschnieder
建筑师提供的文字描述Text description provided by the architects. Miller Hull Achieves EMission Zero Milestone at Lake Union Piers. For the first time, the owner, contractor, and architect collectively offset 100% of a project’s emitted carbon. A revitalized retail and entertainment hub in Seattle’s South Lake Union neighborhood, Lake Union Piers is The Miller Hull Partnership’s first project to achieve the owner/contractor/architect decarbonization component of EMission Zero. Launched in 2021, EMission Zero is Miller Hull’s initiative targeting the elimination of greenhouse gas emissions in the built environment.
© Ben Benschnieder
基于教育、倡导和抵消的目标,EMission Zero通过设计实现了环境影响,最终导致业主、承包商和建筑师之间承诺抵消与上部结构、下部结构、围护结构和固定内部建筑元素相关的项目A1-A3排放。自2021年以来,Miller Hull已经抵消了其26个已建项目三分之一的隐含碳排放量,总计41360吨二氧化碳当量(吨碳)。Lake Union Piers是第一个各方承诺共同购买碳抵消的项目,Miller Hull、Vulcan Real Estate和Abbott Construction共同抵消了建筑物100%的隐含排放。
Founded on the objectives to Educate, Advocate, and Offset, EMission Zero achieves environmental impact through Design, ultimately resulting in a commitment between the owner, contractor, and architect to offset a project’s A1-A3 emissions related to superstructure, substructure, envelope, and fixed interior building elements. Since 2021, Miller Hull has offset one-third of the embodied carbon emissions from 26 of its built projects, totaling 41,360 tCO2e (tons of carbon). Lake Union Piers is the first project in which all parties have committed to sharing in the purchase of carbon offsets, with Miller Hull, Vulcan Real Estate, and Abbott Construction collectively offsetting 100% of the buildings’ embodied emissions.
© Ben Benschnieder
联合湖码头的结构、围护结构和内部的总体前期隐含碳影响计算为495吨二氧化碳当量,相当于在西雅图和圣地亚哥的米勒赫尔工作室之间驾驶一辆普通乘用车989次的影响。Miller Hull、Vulcan和Abbott各自抵消了165吨二氧化碳当量,抵消额用于资助喷雾泡沫隔热和风能开发中的氢氟碳化合物减排。“我们很高兴Vulcan和Abbott加入我们的EMission Zero。他们对可持续发展的承诺是无价的,因为我们共同努力为建筑行业的脱碳开创了新的先例。”-Jim Hanford,FAIA,Miller Hull Partnership负责人
The total upfront embodied carbon impact of Lake Union Piers’ structure, enclosure, and interiors was calculated at 495 t CO2e - equivalent to the impact of driving an average passenger vehicle between Miller Hull studios in Seattle and San Diego 989 times. Miller Hull, Vulcan, and Abbott each offset 165 tCO2e, with offsets funding HFC emissions reduction in spray foam insulation and wind energy development. “We are thrilled to have Vulcan and Abbott join us in EMission Zero. Their commitment to sustainability is invaluable as we work together to set a new precedent for decarbonization in the building construction industry.” - Jim Hanford, FAIA, Principal, The Miller Hull Partnership
© Ben Benschnieder
联合湖码头(Lake Union Piers),前身为钱德勒湾(Chandler's Cove),是联合湖南缘一处占地5英亩的海滨房产。Vulcan没有重新开发该地块,而是选择翻修20世纪80年代的三栋建筑,以容纳餐饮和娱乐租户,重新激活滨水区供公众享用。由Miller Hull设计,Abbott建造,原始结构已用干净的金属和木材外部调色板进行了更新,室外露台和公共空间也得到了增强,以更好地与自然环境联系起来。建筑和场地升级已完成,租户改善工作即将开始。“可持续性是我们价值观的核心,与Miller Hull和Abbott联手在Lake Union Piers实现碳中和符合我们对负责任发展的承诺。我们共同为西雅图及其他地区的环保建筑树立了新标准。”-Ada Healey,Vulcan Real Estate首席房地产办公室。
Lake Union Piers, formerly known as Chandler's Cove, is a 5-acre waterfront property at the southern edge of Lake Union. Instead of redeveloping the site, Vulcan elected to renovate the three 1980s buildings to accommodate dining and entertainment tenants, reactivating the waterfront for public enjoyment. Designed by Miller Hull and built by Abbott, the original structures have been updated with a clean exterior palette of metal and wood, and outdoor patios and public spaces have been enhanced to better connect with the natural environment. The building and site upgrades are complete and tenant improvement work will begin soon. “Sustainability is at the core of our values, and joining forces with Miller Hull and Abbott to achieve carbon neutrality at Lake Union Piers aligns with our commitment to responsible development. Together, we are setting a new standard for environmentally conscious building in Seattle and beyond.” - Ada Healey, Chief Real Estate Office, Vulcan Real Estate.
© Ben Benschnieder
© Ben Benschnieder
作为Miller Hull作为一家公司和实践所取得的进步的典范,Lake Union Piers代表了其可持续发展精神的精髓,传达了对现有建筑价值的长期信念。据估计,这些建筑的再利用产生的排放量不到新建筑排放量的一半,使该团队成为第一个实现米勒赫尔零排放倡议的团队。“作为建筑商,我们认识到减少环境影响的重要性,而EMission Zero使我们能够在为社区创造卓越空间的同时做到这一点。”-Abbott Construction项目执行官Andrew Bry。联合湖码头展示了当志同道合的合作伙伴聚集在一起,优先考虑环境管理时可能会发生的事情。米勒-赫尔希望这次合作能激励其他人效仿,创造一个更可持续的未来。
An exemplar of the progress Miller Hull has made as a firm and a practice, Lake Union Piers represents the essence of its sustainability ethos, channeling the long-held belief in the value of existing buildings. Estimated to generate less than one-half of the emissions that would be produced through new construction, the reuse of these buildings positioned the team to be the first to fulfill Miller Hull’s EMission Zero initiative. “As builders, we recognize the importance of reducing our environmental impact, and EMission Zero allows us to do that while creating exceptional spaces for our community.” - Andrew Bry, Project Executive, Abbott Construction. Lake Union Piers exemplifies what is possible when like-minded partners come together to prioritize environmental stewardship. Miller Hull hopes this collaboration inspires others to follow suit in creating a more sustainable future.
© Ben Benschnieder