Kunsthal 44møen / Pihlmann Architects
独特的艺术融合与传承:44 莫恩美术馆展现了对艺术的深刻理解与传承。它将旧有建筑与新的增建部分完美融合,既保留了当地建筑遗产的特色,又注入了当代的艺术元素。通过对旧农舍、铁匠铺等实用建筑的重新利用,形成了多样化的类型集群,体现了对资源的巧妙运用。同时,其反博物馆和前卫的特征,为艺术的创新与发展提供了广阔空间,成为国际艺术的重要展示场所。
© Hampus Berndtson
© Hampus Berndtson
Text description provided by the architects. Embedded in the sincerity of Møn, a transformational project emerges, blending with the island’s architectural heritage characterized by admiration for the necessary. It is shaped by the profound artistic legacy of the founders, and the resources at hand, and informed by the functionality of industrial structures, much like the numerous barns and farms around the exhibition space. By restoring three existing buildings and adding two more, a substantial place with modest yet rugged resources is developed.
© Hampus Berndtson
自2008年成立以来,Kunsthal 44Møen以其实验性但谦逊的方法挑战了主流的话语和观念。由于已故作曲家与FLUXUS艺术家Henning Christiansen、艺术家Bjørn Nørgaard和德国-丹麦艺术家Ursula Reuter Christiansen之间的长期合作,44Møen美术馆应运而生。如今,它已成为由德国联合创始人、策展人和收藏家RenéBlock领导的著名国际艺术空间。
Ever since its establishment in 2008, Kunsthal 44Møen has challenged prevailing discourses and perceptions with its experimental yet unassuming approach. As a result of a longstanding collaboration between the late composer and FLUXUS artist Henning Christiansen, artist Bjørn Nørgaard, and German-Danish artist Ursula Reuter Christiansen, Kunsthal 44Møen emerged. Today, it has become a renowned international art space led by German co-founder, curator, and collector René Block.
© Hampus Berndtson
Floor Plan Residency
© Hampus Berndtson
Kunsthal 44反映了艺术内部的变化和不断演变,它拥抱了艺术的短暂性,承认它是一种难以捉摸的事物。该项目旨在提供一个广阔的展览空间,建立一个以创造为中心的环境,并保留FLUXUS的反博物馆和前卫特征,同时建立一个有利于创意流动的环境。
Reflecting the flux and constant evolution within art, Kunsthal 44 embraces the ephemeral nature of art, acknowledging it as an elusive matter. The project aims to provide an expansive exhibition space and establish an environment centered around creating, and preserving the anti-museal and avant-garde characteristics of FLUXUS, while establishing an environment conducive to creative flow.
© Hampus Berndtson
Section 1
© Hampus Berndtson
它致力于保护Kunsthal 44的谦逊本质,并继续重新利用以前具有实用功能的建筑,包括一座旧农舍、一座被拆除的农场的遗迹、一名铁匠和一名20世纪70年代的汽车修理工。这些形成了一个多样化的类型集群,在施工开始时就已经很明显了,一幅拼贴画被一个新的声音艺术大厅和一座住宅楼放大,形成了一座与原始乡村布局对齐的中央庭院。大厅让人联想到谷仓,与改造后的汽车修理工相呼应,而住宅则诠释了简陋的农舍。
It is committed to preserving the unassuming essence of Kunsthal 44 and continues repurposing structures that previously served practical functions, including an old farmhouse, remnants of a demolished farm, a blacksmith, and a 1970s auto mechanic. These have shaped a diverse typological cluster, evident already as construction began, a collage which is amplified with a new hall for sound art and a residency building, forming a central courtyard aligned with the original rural layout. The hall, evocative of a barn, echoes the transformed auto mechanic, while the residency interprets the humble farmhouses.
© Hampus Berndtson
Section 3
© Hampus Berndtson
The manifold heritage of the kunsthalle and its surroundings is evident in the choice of materials, intentionally kept to a minimum, employing unembellished, locally accessible construction components and, more importantly, harnessing their inherent qualities which are typically underutilized in contemporary norms. For instance, industrial insulation, most often concealed behind finishing layers, is deliberately exposed within the new hall, serving not only to regulate the climate but also to enhance the acoustics of a space dedicated to sound. Both additions are clad with corrugated steel sheets in varying configurations and dimensions, ranging from the more refined to the rather pragmatic, subtly revealing the programmatic objectives that span from the intimate residential building to the more industrial exhibition space.
© Hampus Berndtson
Section 2
在新旧并置的过程中,修复工作仔细地保持了现有建筑的特征,而增建部分则被明确地认为是对它们的当代诠释。这种足智多谋和真实性之间的相互作用自然地融入了艺术项目Kunsthal 44,确保它仍然是一个地方传统和批判性实验共存的空间,提升了莫恩的文化景观。
In juxtaposing the old with the new, the restorations carefully maintain the characteristics of the existing buildings, while the additions are clearly recognized as contemporary interpretations of them. This interplay between resourcefulness and authenticity is naturally embedded in the artistic program Kunsthal 44, ensuring that it remains a space where local tradition and critical experimentation coexist, elevating the cultural landscape of Møn.
© Hampus Berndtson