
建筑设计 / 住宅建筑 2024-11-7 21:15

Catalejo / Tololo Ugarte

与自然融合的建筑杰作:Catalejo 项目展现了建筑与自然的完美融合。初见这片土地,四棵 300 多年树龄的绿洲十分引人注目。房子悬挂于地面之上的设计,让草如绿色斗篷般生长,增强了漂浮感。同时,面向古老树木的布局以及双倍高度和拱形天花板的设计,成功将森林引入室内。圆形的房屋形状使景观成为室内空间的延伸,产生了连续性。材料的选择也注重与背景融合,减少视觉影响。

引发人与自然的思考:Catalejo 不仅是一个居住空间,更是一个建筑实验。它将景观带入房屋内部,产生不断的对话,改变了居住体验。每个窗户都成为聚焦和放大自然环境的透镜,加深了人们对居住地的认识。这个项目邀请人们反思人与自然之间的互动,是一个值得称赞的建筑作品,为未来的建筑设计提供了新的思路和方向。

© Mauricio Duarte Arratia

© Mauricio Duarte Arratia

Catalejo is a work of architecture that arises from its context. Upon first encountering the land, a point of interest was immediately evident: a kind of oasis of four trees over 300 years old. The rest of the land appeared as a very fertile pasture, highly sensitive to the seasons of the year. In summer, it presents a rather desert-like landscape; however, in winter and spring, meters of so-called weeds sprout from the ground, flanking the house and making it float in an environment that, at ground level, is flat, but where the vegetation provides an irregular and unexpected relief that shifts.

© Mauricio Duarte Arratia

Transversal Section

© Mauricio Duarte Arratia

Having experienced this, it seemed that the house should, in the first place, be suspended above the ground in such a way that the grass could grow like a green mantle, enhancing the sensation of floating in this kind of vegetative lagoon. Likewise, it was important to return to the initial point of interest, which were the ancient quillayes and molles, which, unlike the rest of the vegetation, constituted a monumental but immobile landscape, of a noble and perpetual character, leading to the placement of the house facing these great living statues while maintaining just the right distance, which, along with the double height and the vaulted ceiling, managed to capture 100% of the forest and bring it inside the rooms.

© Mauricio Duarte Arratia


© Mauricio Duarte Arratia

The circular shape of the house ultimately allows the landscape to become an extension of the interior spaces, generating a sensation of continuity. This architectural decision suggests that the natural environment should not only be a backdrop but an active element that redefines the perception of space.

© Mauricio Duarte Arratia

Plan - Upper

© Mauricio Duarte Arratia

The materials have been selected with a focus on visual mimesis, allowing the architecture to blend with its context. This choice aims to minimize the visual impact of the construction, integrating the work into the landscape.

© Mauricio Duarte Arratia

© Mauricio Duarte Arratia

Longitudinal Section

Overall, Catalejo is not only a livable space but an architectural experiment that invites reflection on the interaction between humans and nature. By bringing the landscape into the interior of the house, a constant dialogue is generated that transforms the experience of inhabiting. The spaces become frames that delineate changing views, where each window serves as a lens that focuses and amplifies the natural environment, thus fostering a deeper awareness of the place where one resides.

© Mauricio Duarte Arratia
