Whispering Curves House/苏瓦建筑师事务所

建筑设计 / 住宅建筑 2024-10-31 14:44

Whispering Curves House/苏瓦建筑师事务所
Whispering Curves House / Suva Architects

现代与传统的完美融合:Whispering Curves House 位于班加罗尔 Indiranagar 的朝北地点。这个家以现代建筑词汇定义,同时吸收传统建筑价值,达到微妙平衡。在 40 英尺 x60 英尺的场地上,弯曲的立面拥抱大自然。设计体现极简主义价值观,使用散发正能量的颜色。空间沐浴在自然光中,有高新鲜空气交换率,目标是成为美丽家庭的“家”。


© Ekansh Goel

© Ekansh Goel

"The light is what guides you home, the warmth is what keeps you there" -Ellie Rodriguez.Situated on a north-facing site in Indiranagar, Bangalore; this home is defined by a modern architectural vocabulary, but at the same time, it creates a fine balance by imbibing traditional and time-tested architectural values.

© Ekansh Goel

Plan - 1st Floor

© Ekansh Goel

© Ekansh Goel

在一个40英尺x60英尺的场地上,弯曲的立面给人一种拥抱大自然的感觉。该设计是为著名的整形外科医生Anand K博士、Uma Anand夫人和他的家人而设计的,其目的是设计一座体现极简主义价值观的房子,使用能够不断散发正能量的颜色。
On a site measuring 40 feet x 60 feet, the curved facade gives a bear hug to nature. Designed for a renowned Plastic Surgeon Dr. Anand K, Mrs. Uma Anand and his family, the brief was to design a house that embodies minimalist values using colors that would keep emanating positive energy all around.

© Ekansh Goel


This brief served as a great catapulting point. In the creation of this home, we ensured that the spaces are basking in natural light and are facilitated with a high fresh air exchange rate. Our ultimate goal was to design a house that becomes a "Home" for this beautiful family.

© Ekansh Goel

© Ekansh Goel


With this, it gives us great pleasure to introduce Suva Architects, where we design with great passion, love and care. We hold a wide perspective in our approach and we create future-ready spaces.

© Ekansh Goel

Whispering Curves House/苏瓦建筑师事务所