RDS House / Luiz Paulo Andrade Arquitetos
卓越的历史与现代融合之作:RDS House 项目是一个将历史与现代完美融合的创新翻修项目。最初作为英国驻圣保罗领事馆住所,历经变迁后如今成为 21 世纪家庭的精致家园。通过恢复悬臂和扩大内部空间,以及使用碳纤维进行结构加固,实现了开放空间的同时保留了建筑的野蛮主义精髓。新旧元素通过材料和纹理的内聚方法融合,既尊重外交历史又满足当代生活需求。
© Leonardo Finotti
© Leonardo Finotti
从外交到当代家庭生活RDS House是一个前卫的项目,经历了显著的转型,将历史和现代性融合成一个创新的翻修项目。最初由Américo R.Campello于20世纪60年代设计,用作英国驻圣保罗领事馆的住所,后来在20世纪80年代被改建为英国领事馆。如今,它已重新成为21世纪家庭的精致家园。Campello的设计,其结构在当时被认为是创新的,但由于多年来的变化而被改变和误解。我们的目标是通过恢复宽阔而美丽的悬臂以及扩大内部空间来加强原始体积。
From Diplomacy to Contemporary Family Life. Reinventing an Avant-garde Project, the RDS House has undergone a remarkable transformation, merging history and modernity into an innovative renovation project. Originally designed in the 1960s by Américo R. Campello to serve as the residence of the British Consul in São Paulo, it was later adapted to become the British Consulate in the 1980s. Today, it has re-emerged as a sophisticated home for a 21st-century family.Campello's design, whose structure was considered innovative for its time, was altered and mischaracterized due to changes over the years. Our goal became to reinforce the original volume by restoring the wide and beautiful cantilevers, as well as expanding the internal spaces.
© Leonardo Finotti
Plan - Ground floor
© Leonardo Finotti
In addition, we faced the challenge of adapting the robust concrete structure to meet contemporary spatial needs. To create large, open spaces, a cutting-edge engineering solution was implemented: structural reinforcement using carbon fiber. This material allowed the opening of even larger spans without compromising the building's integrity and allowed the creation of new spaces to meet the demands of the family.The renovation kept the balance between respecting the architectural history of the house and introducing contemporary elements. Also, harmony between aesthetics and functionality was ensured. The exposed concrete surfaces were carefully restored, preserving the building's Brutalist essence. New walls were covered in precast concrete slats, creating a visual unity with the existing elements. The integration of the old and the new was achieved through a cohesive approach in materials and textures.
© Leonardo Finotti
Section - E
© Leonardo Finotti
The result is a residence that honors its diplomatic past while embracing the needs of contemporary life. We also sought to incorporate essential concepts that characterize the vast majority of our projects: 1. Large and Fluid Spaces: Ideal for family interaction and guest reception, 2. Interior-Exterior Integration: Maximum use of natural light and connection to green areas, and 3. Technology and Comfort: Modern automation systems and energy efficiency integrated discreetly into the architecture.This renovation is an eloquent statement to architecture's ability to reinvent itself. This project demonstrates how a historic structure can be adapted to meet the needs of modern life without losing its architectural identity and relevance. It stands out not only as an exceptional residence but also as an inspiring example of how architecture can evolve, respecting its legacy while embracing the future.
© Leonardo Finotti