灯塔大厦 Lighthouse Building/3XN

建筑设计 / 住宅建筑 2024-10-30 21:00

Lighthouse Building / 3XN



© Adam Mork

© Adam Mork

Lighthouse是一个以住宅为主导的多功能开发项目,位于奥胡斯港的顶端,面向水面,并精确地定位了从奥胡斯湾的过渡。开放性、安全性和多样性是该开发项目的特点,它将高层结构与一组中层建筑相结合,以促进社区和互动。该开发项目分两期完成,结合了私人和社会住房。一条有公共餐厅、咖啡馆和零售空间的海滨长廊邀请游客进入现场,创造出一个充满活力和多样性的街景。第二阶段,丹麦最高的建筑竣工,其中包括一个公共屋顶餐厅,游客可以在这里分享城市和奥胡斯湾的壮丽景色。“我们认为该项目在多个意义上都是一座灯塔。显然,这座建筑将成为一个地标。但它也是我们应该如何以促进活动和社会关系的方式进行城市发展的一个例子。”-3XN创始人兼创意总监Kim Herforth Nielsen。
Lighthouse is a residential-led, mixed-use development situated at the tip of Aarhus Harbour, facing the water, and pinpointing the transition from Aarhus Bay. Openness, safety, and diversity characterize the development, which combines a high-rise structure with a group of mid-rise buildings to foster community and interaction. Completed in two phases, the development combines private as well as social housing. A waterfront promenade with public restaurants, cafes, and retail space invites visitors into the site and creates a lively and diverse streetscape. Phase two saw the completion of Denmark's tallest building which includes a public rooftop restaurant allowing visitors to share the incredible views over the city and Aarhus Bay. "We think the project is a lighthouse in more than one sense. Obviously, the building will become a landmark. But it is also an example of how we should be doing urban development in a way that catalyzes activities and social relations." - Kim Herforth Nielsen, Founder and Creative Director, 3XN.

© Adam Mork

© Adam Mork

Fostering local community - At the head of Aarhus Ø, Lighthouse occupies a prominent position in the city's newest waterfront neighborhood. The development is characterized by an upside-down approach to urbanization in which the site was made an active social community. This was done through initiatives such as cafés, water sports, and urban farming established prior to any development, providing feedback and knowledge that was brought into the final project, and kickstarting the social community in the area. Vibrant waterfront living - Central to the master plan's success is the public seaside promenade with cafés and shops. Safe public access to the water attracts swimmers and kayakers to the area. Open all year round, brave locals enjoy the popular Danish activity of 'winter bathing'. Cafés along the promenade provide a cozy place to warm up and enjoy a hot drink after an icy dip.

© Adam Mork

Connecting residents to the surroundings - In the research and analysis phase, thorough studies of the societal development, cultural trends, and living conditions as well as analysis of the location, context, and considerations of wind and weather conditions were conducted. The resulting design seeks to provide all the residences with a sunny south face and a north view. In addition, all the apartments have access to either a private balcony or external terrace giving access to outside space from which to enjoy the spectacular views. The proximity to nature through the private, semi-public, and public areas provide residents with what they themselves, and post-occupancy characterize as a "relaxing vacation feeling".

© Adam Mork

延续建筑传统——占据如此突出位置的高层建筑自然会成为地标,因此该项目需要高质量的设计,既要考虑城市的规模,又要考虑其直接背景。设计团队面临的挑战是创造一个优雅的结构,既能延续奥胡斯的进步建筑传统,又能提供出色的用户体验。进行了详细的几何研究,以创建一座从城市和水中看时轮廓优雅、纤细的塔。由此产生的设计是一个有两个圆角的菱形,创造了一种细长的外观,给人一种既没有正面也没有背面的感觉,从各个角度都能看到。“我相信每个人都觉得大海很美。它总是在变化,这让它变得迷人。住在灯塔里,面对四季和不同天气中不断变化的大海,将是一次独特的体验。”-3XN创始人兼创意总监Kim Herforth Nielsen
Perpetuating architectural tradition - A tall building occupying such a prominent position naturally appears as a landmark, so the project required a high-quality design that addressed both the scale of the city as well as its immediate context. The challenge for the design team was to create an elegant structure that would perpetuate Aarhus' tradition of progressive architecture while also providing an outstanding user experience. Detailed geometry studies were undertaken to create a tower with an elegant, slim profile when viewed from both the city and the water. The resulting design, a rhomboid with two rounded corners, creates a slender appearance and gives the appearance of having neither front nor back, addressing the view from all angles. "I believe everyone finds the sea beautiful. It's always changing, which makes it fascinating. Living in Lighthouse, facing the ever-changing sea in all seasons and different weather, will be a unique experience." - Kim Herforth Nielsen, Founder and Creative Director, 3XN

© Adam Mork

The sea as inspiration - Inspired by patterns and reflections of water, the unique façade adds visual interest and texture. Furthermore, it helps unify the numerous buildings within the development with a common architectural language and materiality. The façade pattern is parametrically optimized and produced as lightweight high-precision prefab elements, contributing to weight saving. Community-centered courtyard - The tower and its adjoining terraced wings frame a sheltered private courtyard for residents which provides a quiet refuge away from the busier public spaces on the waterfront. This shared space helps build a sense of community amongst the residents by providing a space where individuals and families can meet and children can play safely together, overlooked by the surrounding apartments.

© Adam Mork

灯塔大厦 Lighthouse Building/3XN