Suaka Wastana住宅/工作室NARK+
Suaka Wastana Residence / Atelier NARK+
Suaka Wastana 住宅对其主人 Wastana Haikal 具有深刻意义,“Suaka” 意为庇护所。位于万隆西部 Lembang 的山丘上,可欣赏群山景色。主人设想体现自身精神的家园,聘请工作室 NARK + 设计,采用折衷地中海风格,融合多种风格影响。
建筑像空白画布,外有简洁线条和极简色彩,墙壁有纹理漆,部分区域 “裸露”。主人对房间装饰有热爱,其兼收并蓄的风格在家中创造和谐,主导风格是现代民谣,融合乡村与当代风格。各房间有独特氛围又通过折衷和谐相连,如工作室有 “Whimsy Goth” 气息,卧室有热带氛围,客厅有包豪斯风格,用餐区和厨房结合多种元素。
© Arte Haus
© Arte Haus
Suaka Wastana,顾名思义,对它的主人、万隆的插画家和艺术家Wastana Haikal来说具有深刻的个人意义。“Suaka”意为庇护所,恰如其分地描述了他充满惊喜和创造力的独特家。这座房子坐落在万隆西部Lembang的清爽山丘上,可以欣赏到周围群山的壮丽景色,增强了其自然氛围。Haikal设想了一个真实反映他精神的梦想家园,并聘请我们Atelier NARK作为空间顾问,创造了一个体现折衷地中海风格的设计,每个空间都经过精心设计,以表达他的个性。
Suaka Wastana, as its name suggests, holds deep personal significance for its owner, Wastana Haikal, a Bandung-based illustrator and artist. "Suaka," meaning shelter, aptly describes his unique home filled with surprises and creativity.Nestled in the refreshing hills of Lembang, West Bandung, the house offers breathtaking views of the surrounding hills, enhancing its natural ambiance. Haikal envisioned a dream home that authentically reflects his spirit and recruited us, Atelier NARK, as Spatial Consultants to create a design that embodies an eclectic Mediterranean style, where each space is thoughtfully crafted to express his individuality.
© Arte Haus
Isometric Drawing
© Arte Haus
The house features one master bedroom with an ensuite bathroom, a studio for Haikal's artistic creations, a guest room, a shared bathroom, a kitchen, a dining room, and a living room. The process began with a quest for land surrounded by lush trees, leading to conceptual designs inspired by Haikal's diverse interests, including cottagecore, Memphis, Bauhaus, modern folk, and Mediterranean influences. Architecturally, the house serves as a blank canvas with clean lines and minimal colors on the exterior. The walls are adorned with textured paint, and some areas remain "naked," preserving a natural look that awaits further exploration by Haikal through his chosen interior.
© Arte Haus
© Arte Haus
海卡尔对房间装饰的热爱始于童年,经常用继承的物品装饰卧室。作为一名内向的艺术家,他将房间视为不断发展的想法的画布。他大胆、兼收并蓄的风格结合了看似无关的元素,在家中创造了意想不到的和谐,反映了他独特的个性。Suaka Wastana不仅仅是一栋房子;它是Wastana Haikal通过室内设计和建筑来表达自己的画布。每个房间都有独特的氛围,但通过折衷的和谐而错综复杂地联系在一起。影响这座房子的主导风格是现代民谣风格,将乡村风格与当代设计师风格融为一体。独特的椅子采用时尚优雅的剪裁,体现了这种风格,而传统的乡村元素则带来了温暖。
Haikal's love for room decoration began in childhood, often decorating his bedroom with inherited items. As an introverted artist, he views rooms as canvases for his ever-evolving ideas. His bold, eclectic style combines seemingly unrelated elements, creating unexpected harmony in his home, and reflecting his unique personality.Suaka Wastana is more than just a house; it is a canvas for Wastana Haikal to express himself through interior design and architecture. Each room possesses a distinct atmosphere yet is intricately connected through an eclectic harmony. The dominant style influencing the house is modern folk, merging cottagecore with a contemporary designer touch. Unique chairs with sleek, classy cuts exemplify this style, while traditional rustic elements impart warmth.
© Arte Haus
© Arte Haus
工作室散发着“Whimsy Goth”的气息,将富有想象力的美学与黑暗元素融为一体。卧室营造出强烈的热带氛围,泥土色调和热带植物使其更加丰富多彩。客厅朝向包豪斯,以现代家具为特色,辅以复古风格,以增强凝聚力。用餐区和厨房结合了cottagecore、tropical和的元素,将传统方面与自然纹理相协调。Haikal认为他的家是风格的有机融合,每个角落都充满了反映各种影响的独特细节。这个设计象征着自由,颜色永远不会错。他强调大小和规模以实现平衡,避免过于对称的安排。
The studio exudes Whimsy Goth, blending imaginative aesthetics with dark elements. The bedroom embraces a tropical ambiance, enriched by earthy tones and tropical plants. The living room leans towards Bauhaus, featuring modern furnishings complemented by vintage touches for cohesiveness. The dining area and kitchen combine elements of cottagecore, tropical, and "Peranakan", harmonizing traditional aspects with natural textures.Haikal sees his home as a cohesive blend of styles, each corner filled with unique details reflecting various influences. The design symbolizes freedom, where colors can never be wrong. He emphasizes size and scale in achieving balance, avoiding overly symmetrical arrangements.
© Arte Haus
© Arte Haus
材料选择至关重要,可以增强视觉的丰富性。外观采用现代热带风格,使用木材和外露混凝土与环境融为一体。大开口有助于自然光和气流,而周围的绿化与建筑融为一体。庭院是连接用餐区和厨房的焦点,既是光源,又提供了一个放松的空间。Haikal的艺术工作室占据了一个更私人的区域,确保了一个宁静的工作空间,具有良好的视觉通道和气流。材料选择是一个协作过程,选择陶土瓷砖和木材元素是为了获得视觉效果。可持续元素,如当地材料和自然通风,减少了对空调的依赖。现代与传统元素的平衡创造了反映Wastana Haikal艺术身份的功能空间。
Material selection is critical, enhancing visual richness. The exterior embraces a modern tropical style, using wood and exposed concrete to blend with the environment. Large openings facilitate natural light and airflow while surrounding greenery integrates with the architecture. The courtyard serves as a focal point linking the dining area and kitchen, acting as a light source, while also providing a relaxation space. Haikal's art studio occupies a more private area, ensuring a tranquil workspace with good visual access and airflow.Material selection is a collaborative process, with terracotta tiles and wood elements chosen for their visual impact. Sustainable elements, like local materials and natural ventilation, reduce reliance on air conditioning. The balance of modern and traditional elements creates functional spaces that reflect Wastana Haikal's artistic identity.
© Arte Haus