房子在Guardamar del Segura/贝尔纳多·塞拉托
House in Guardamar del Segura / Bernardo Cerrato
该项目位于 Guardamar del Segura,地块存在狭窄立面及相邻建筑高度不同的问题,需要细致研究引入自然光和实现自然通风。
© Milena Villalba
© Milena Villalba
该地块的主要问题是,相对于其深度,它只有一个狭窄的立面:大约5 x 19米。另一方面,相邻建筑物的高度不同,因此必须对由此产生的体积进行细致的研究,以引入自然光,并尝试在住宅的所有主要房间实现自然通风。
The main problem with the plot is that it only has a narrow façade in relation to its depth: approximately 5 x 19 metres. On the other hand, the different heights of the adjoining buildings made it obligatory to conduct a meticulous study of the resulting volume to introduce natural light and try to achieve natural ventilation in all the main rooms of the dwelling.
© Milena Villalba
© Milena Villalba
Starting from a central courtyard as a key element that configures the entire house and the exact position of the vertical communication element, we managed to solve to a large extent the challenge we were facing: to provide the house with spacious and comfortable rooms, to allow light to reach the areas located at the end of the plot and to achieve the necessary privacy for the parts of the programme that the client required.
© Milena Villalba
At a programmatic level, the floor plan is stratified by uses according to the hours of natural light that penetrates the dwelling and the privacy required, resulting in an inversion of the programme that is commonly found on each level: on the first floor are the bedrooms and the more private rooms, and on the second floor the day area.
© Milena Villalba
Following basic principles of thermodynamics, we achieve passive benefits in the energy performance of the house: we rely on this courtyard to use it as a source of lighting and radiation for the day area.
© Milena Villalba