
建筑设计 / 住宅建筑 2024-10-30 13:06

葡萄牙Fortaleza别墅 Vieira de Moura Architects


Vieira de Moura Architects 展现出一定的专业水准。建筑的双向几何设计保证了与周围建筑的衔接和阳光朝向,同时打破体块,增添动感。南北立面采用不同设计语言,适应不同需求。在平面规划、立面设计以及夜景营造等方面都有较为细致的考虑。整体而言,该作品在文化融合、功能满足和专业设计上都有不错的表现。


Located on the Algarve west coast, this luxurious Villa enjoys a privileged seafront location.The land has a steeply sloping topography, which has contributed to an extraordinary sun exposure.This difference in levels was essential in the development of the proposal. The living areas are developed to the south, while the areas of circulation are concentrated on the north side.

▼住宅鸟瞰,Arial View ©Ivo Tavares Studio

▼住宅鸟瞰,Arial View ©Ivo Tavares Studio


Villa Fortaleza has three floors, with large terraces and stunning landscaping.The challenge of ensuring that all interior and exterior spaces can take in the magnificent sea views was largely successful.

▼别墅外观,exterior©Ivo Tavares Studio

▼巨大的露台,large terrace©Ivo Tavares Studio

▼周围庭院,courtyard©Ivo Tavares Studio

▼别墅外观细部,facade detail©Ivo Tavares Studio

▼别墅入口,entrance©Ivo Tavares Studio

▼别墅入口,entrance©Ivo Tavares Studio

▼别墅入口,entrance©Ivo Tavares Studio


▼南北立面对比,south and north elevation©Vieira de Moura Architects

Due to its unique location, this project has a dual identity.On the one hand, we have a minimalist and pure language on the north façade, resulting from a smaller volume and the necessary privacy of its spaces.On the other hand, to the south, there is a more exuberant and complex design. In which the volume try acquires another amplitude resulting from its size.

▼室内环境,indoor space©Ivo Tavares Studio

▼厨房区域,kitchen©Ivo Tavares Studio

▼厨房连通室外阳台,kitchen connects to the terrace©Ivo Tavares Studio

▼楼梯部分,staircase©Ivo Tavares Studio

▼通往二层楼梯,staircase towards the upper level©Ivo Tavares Studio

▼二层卧室,bedroom on the upper level©Ivo Tavares Studio

▼二层露台,terrace on the upper level©Ivo Tavares Studio

▼二层露台,terrace on the upper level©Ivo Tavares Studio

▼浴室,bathroom©Ivo Tavares Studio


Its bi-directional geometry, as well as guaranteeing articulation with the surrounding buildings and better solar orientation, has made it possible to “break up” the volume, giving a strong and light dynamic to this front of considerable scale.

▼夜景鸟瞰,night view©Ivo Tavares Studio

▼夜景,night view©Ivo Tavares Studio

▼入口夜景,entrance at night©Ivo Tavares Studio

▼庭院夜景,courtyard at night©Ivo Tavares Studio

▼露台夜景,terrace at night©Ivo Tavares Studio

▼夜景鸟瞰,Ariel view at night©Ivo Tavares Studio

▼地下室平面,basement floor plan©Vieira de Moura Architects

▼一层平面,ground floor plan©Vieira de Moura Architects

▼二层平面,first floor plan©Vieira de Moura Architects

▼屋顶平面,roof plan©Vieira de Moura Architects

▼立面,elevation©Vieira de Moura Architects

▼剖面,section©Vieira de Moura Architects

Project name: Villa Fortaleza
Architecture Office: Vieira de Moura Architects
Main Architect: Arq. Hugo Moura
Instagram: www.instagram.com/vieirademoura.architects
Location: Budens, Vila do Bispo (Algarve)
Year of conclusion : 2024
Total area: 333,28 m2
Builder Sereno & Perfeito – Sociedade de Construções, Lda.
inspection: Veritate – Projetos e Fiscalização de Engenharia
Engineering: Savec, Lda.
Landscape: Jardíssimo, Unipessoal Lda.
Light Design: Protega, Eletrotecnia, Lda.
Acoustic Design: Ac+Coger, Lda
Fluids Engineering : Savec, Lda.
Thermal Engineering: Ac+Coger, Lda
Visual identity: Vieira de Moura Architects
Architectural photographer: Ivo Tavares Studio
Website :http://www.ivotavares.net
Instagram: www.instagram.com/ivotavaresstudio
