OXMAN总部,纽约 / Foster + Partners

建筑设计 / 商业办公 2024-10-30 13:08

点评:从文化角度看,该作品体现了对自然的尊重与融合。在设计中致力于将自然纳入其中,无论是采用大量自然材料营造室内氛围,还是设置种植室优化植物生长,都反映了对自然文化的崇尚,这种文化理念在当代建筑中具有积极意义。总部涵盖综合实验室、工作室等多种空间,满足了 OXMAN 公司的不同需求。一层作为交流合作的催化剂,设有接待区兼图书馆、开放工作空间和独立玻璃办公室等,功能分区合理。二层以设计和研究为中心,有各类实验室和展示空间,且家具模块化、可移动,方便不同工作模式。

Foster + Partners 与 OXMAN 的合作展现了高超的专业水准。建筑横跨两层,中庭连接且通高,使空间充满自然光,白色金属楼梯成为独特视觉焦点。定制的家具,如灵活工作站和集成式显示系统,以及样品展示空间的巧妙设计,都彰显了专业的设计能力和对细节的把控。整体而言,该作品在文化、功能和专业性上都表现出色。

Foster + Partners与OXMAN合作设计并完成的全新OXMAN总部,为该公司提供了充足的综合实验室、工作室和工作室空间,开创性的设计旨在为OXMAN带来颠覆性的改变,使设计、生产方法与自然重新融于一体。该实验室共占据了两个楼层,拥有充足的室内和室外空间,自由开放的氛围增强和补充了OXMAN公司的跨学科精神,并致力于将自然纳入设计之中。

Foster + Partners in collaboration with OXMAN have designed and completed an integrated laboratory, workshop, and studio space for OXMAN, a groundbreaking design practice with a mission to foster system-level changes that realign design and production methods with the natural world. The lab is housed across two levels with ample indoor and outdoor spaces that enhance and complement the company’s interdisciplinary ethos and commitment to designing with, by and for nature.


The lab is housed across two levels with ample indoor and outdoor spaces© Nicholas Calcott

项目中采用的所有家具都是在Foster + Partners工业设计部与OXMAN的密切合作下设计定制的,包括灵活的工作站和集成式显示系统,这使得OXMAN团队成员能够轻松地重新配置他们的工作环境。

All furniture is bespoke and has been designed by Foster + Partners Industrial Design working closely with OXMAN, including flexible workstations and integrated display systems that allow OXMAN team members to reconfigure their working environments with ease.

▼中央中庭连接了两个楼层,A central atrium connects the two levels © Nicholas Calcott


The first level of the new studio acts as a catalyst for conversation and collaboration, with a natural material palette that reinforces a sense of wellbeing. A welcoming library space also functions as the reception area, featuring built-in shelving and a large table for private study or group discussions. An open plan workspace has soaring vaulted ceilings and is fully glazed on one side to provide spectacular views of the studio’s landscaped terrace and the city beyond. An open table provides a focal point for team meetings.

▼充满自然采光的工作空间,The workspaces with natural light © Nicholas Calcott

▼开放的办公空间,open plan for the working space© Nicholas Calcott


An adjacent row of individual glass offices contains sliding timber screens to conceal archived works and feature integrated mobile display units in the narrow vitrines between them. When aligned, the minimal display units illuminate objects on display and rest on casters so they can be rolled out and updated easily.

▼样品展示空间,The individual glass offices contains sliding timber screens to conceal archived works © Nicholas Calcott

▼集成滑动轨道的展台,Integrated mobile display units© Nicholas Calcott


A central atrium connects the two levels, fills the workspaces with natural light, and provides a 9.1 meter (30-foot) tall space for rigging and building large-scale projects. The centerpiece of the studio is a one-of-a-kind staircase, which is made from folded white metal and glass.

▼通高的中庭,Thecentral atrium© Nicholas Calcott

▼白色金属楼梯,White metal stairs© Nicholas Calcott


The second level is centered around design and research processes with a range of wet labs, robotic labs, and prototyping spaces. Lab furniture is modular and mobile – including trolleys, double-sided cabinets, and bins – to enable a range of configurations. These modular elements fit snugly under desks or can be moved around to facilitate different modes of working. Facing onto the main lab, four glass-fronted and data powered grow rooms known as ‘capsules’ are climatically controlled to optimize growth – a space where biology and technology, where nature and culture come together.

▼二层空间以设计和研究过程为中心,The second level is centered around design and research processes © Nicholas Calcott

▼实验室,Wet labs, robotic labs, and prototyping spaces© Nicholas Calcott

▼二层同样设有展览空间,There are also exhibition spaces on the second floor© Nicholas Calcott

▼被称为“胶囊”的种植室,Data powered grow rooms known as ‘capsules’ © Nicholas Calcott


A private conference room on the second level features a modular oak seating system that is readily reconfigured for meetings and video conferences.

▼所有家具都是在Foster + Partners工业设计部与OXMAN的密切合作下设计定制的,All furniture is bespoke and has been designed by Foster + Partners Industrial Design working closely with OXMAN© Nicholas Calcott

OXMAN总部,纽约 / Foster + Partners