Al Ittihad公园
Al Ittihad Park
空间激活与功能提升: Al Ittihad公园项目的核心在于其对棕榈岛“脊梁”下方冗余空间的巧妙利用。设计师Cracknell将一个原本被单轨铁路和高层建筑所分割的线性空间,转化为一个充满活力的公园。通过互联的道路设计,该公园不仅促进了健康的生活方式,也增强了社区的凝聚力。同时,公园内的健身设施、咖啡馆和游乐区,为居民提供了休憩和社交的场所。这种对城市空间再利用的策略,体现了设计师对于城市规划的深刻理解和对居民需求的精准把握,将原本被忽视的空间赋予了新的生命。
本土生物多样性与可持续设计: 项目的亮点之一在于对阿联酋本土植物的广泛应用,公园内种植了超过100种本土树木和植物,是对当地生物多样性的庆祝。这种设计不仅美化了环境,也降低了灌溉需求,体现了可持续设计的理念。雨水管理方面,项目利用“干河谷”地貌来容纳雨水径流,并实现自然扩散,进一步提升了项目的环境友好性。此外,种植信息板的设置,为游客提供了关于当地植物的知识,提升了人们对当地自然和文化遗产的认识,将公园打造成了一个兼具休闲、教育和生态价值的综合性公共空间。
挑战与创新的融合: 在单轨铁路的限制下,Al Ittihad公园的设计展现了设计师应对挑战的创造力。项目在保障安全的前提下,成功地将公园设计与架空单轨相结合。设计中不仅要考虑紧急通道和疏散点,还要考虑单轨铁路上的游客视线,为公园内的餐饮和零售商户带来客流。公园的慢跑道和运动站的设计,充分考虑了不同人群的需求。这种在有限空间内实现多功能、高效率利用的设计,体现了设计师对城市环境的深刻理解和对细节的极致追求,也为类似项目的实施提供了宝贵的借鉴意义。
朱美拉棕榈岛上的Al Ittihad公园是迪拜棕榈岛“脊梁”上一片5.5公顷的干涸河床。在沿着“脊柱”延伸的单轨下方,有一个很大程度上无法进入的“冗余”45米宽的线性空间;在两排高层混合用途建筑之间,Cracknell提出了一种景观解决方案来激活空间,为居民提供宝贵的便利设施;上班族,白天和晚上;晚上。随着互联路线的开通,公园的设计促进了健康的生活方式;社区凝聚力以及为当地零售业创造商业机会。
Al Ittihad Park, on Palm Jumeirah, is a 5.5ha wadi landscape along the ‘spine’ of Dubai’s Palm. Working with a largely inaccessible, ‘redundant’ 45m wide linear space beneath the monorail that runs along the ‘spine’ & between two rows of high rise mixed use buildings, Cracknell proposed a landscape solution to activate the space, providing a valuable amenity for residents & office goers, day & night. With interlinking routes opened up, the park design facilitates healthy lifestyles & community cohesion as well as creating commercial opportunities for local retail.
Now a popular local amenity, the Park contains over 100 species of indigenous trees & plants, a celebration of the UAE’s biodiversity. The tranquil ambiance, accessible fitness amenities, café spill-out & play areas provide residents with a local sanctuary.
Monorail Challenges
Strict safety and security measures were taken into account through the design development and construction to integrate the design with the overhead monorail. Multiple emergency access and evacuation points and minimum offsets had to be accommodated within tree canopy design. Views from the monorail were also considered given their high potential to inform and entice visitors, generating footfall for park-facing f&b and retail.
Creating Healthy Places
公园的慢跑道长2.7公里,宽2.7公里,环绕着周边,中间穿插着14个适合不同运动水平的锻炼站。宽檐的椰枣树提供遮荫,而Sesuvium portulacastrum(Sea Purslane)覆盖着下面的地面,增强了热舒适性,并具有全年使用的潜力。自然活动被优先考虑,在干涸的干涸河道及其周围有丰富的勘探机会。
The park’s 2.7km long wide jogging track runs around the perimeter, interspersed with 14 exercise stations suitable for different mobility levels. Enhancing thermal comfort and giving potential for year-round use, wide-canopied date palms provide shade, whilst Sesuvium portulacastrum (Sea Purslane) covers the ground beneath. Natural play is prioritised with abundant opportunities for exploration in and around dry wadi channels.
Developing An Appreciation for The Environment
种植设计使用在恶劣沙漠环境中茁壮成长的当地树木、棕榈树、仙人掌、多肉植物、灌木和地被植物。为了适应独特的区域条件,如盐滩、沙丘、岩石山坡、涉禽或盐沼,游客可以通过种植信息板了解更多关于其独特的进化特征和区域药用价值的信息。这种教育资源提升了人们对当地自然和人文资源的欣赏;文化遗产。例子包括:凤凰(椰枣)。食物来源和;文化意义。灰蛛(Ghaf)。食物/饲料、木材和;阴影源。这是沙漠中水的标志,受阿联酋法律保护。Zizyphus spina Christii(Sidr)蜜蜂/鸟类的花蜜来源;提供可食用的水果。波状Tecomella(Farfer),黄色/橙色的花蜜丰富的花朵吸引了蝴蝶和蝴蝶;鸟。在土壤侵蚀控制中很重要。
The planting design uses native trees, palms, cacti, succulents, shrubs, and groundcovers that thrive in a harsh desert environment. Adapted to the unique regional conditions, such as salt flats, sandy dunes, rocky hillsides, wadis, or saline marshes, visitors can learn more about their unique evolved features, and regional medicinal uses through planting information boards. This educational resource elevates appreciation for local natural & cultural heritage. Examples include: Phoenix dactylifera (Date palm). Food source & cultural significance. Prosopis cineraria (Ghaf). Food/fodder, timber & shade source. A sign of water in the desert, it is protected by UAE law. Zizyphus spina Christii (Sidr) Nectar source for bees/birds & provides edible fruits. Tecomella undulata (Farfer), Yellow/orange nectar-rich flowers draw in butterflies & birds. Important in soil erosion control.
Inherent Sustainability
Regional plants are inherently ‘water-wise’; their use throughout keeps irrigation needs to a minimum. When required, irrigation is supplied by TSE water via drip lines. Stormwater runoff is managed through ‘dry wadi’ landforms which can contain high volumes of rainfall allowing natural dispersal over time. Aggregates used throughout are locally sourced.
Influential Design
通过在空间规划原则、对地点和环境的敏感性之间取得平衡;Al Ittihad公园为社区福祉提供了一个创新、低维护和;以及迪拜城市发展挑战的成本效益解决方案。促进互动和;住宅社区、附近零售店和商业区之间的可达性;在当地交通方面,该公园影响了区域开发商对绿地的看法。
By striking a balance between spatial planning principles, sensitivity to place & community well-being, Al Ittihad Park offers an innovative, low maintenance &and cost-effective solution to Dubai’s urban development challenges. Promoting interaction & accessibility between the residential communities, nearby retail & local transport, the Park influenced regional developers to make a positive difference in how they consider green space.
Project Data
照片来源:Alessandro Merati/版权所有Cracknells,版权所有Cracklell
Landscape architecture: Cracknell
Project location: Dubai, UAE
Year completed: 2012
Photo credits: Alessandro Merati / Copyright Cracknell, Copyright Cracknell