
景观设计 / 居住环境 2025-3-7 17:40

Al Seef Waterfront

遗产与现代的巧妙融合:阿尔塞夫海滨项目最令人印象深刻的特质在于它成功地将迪拜的传统遗产与现代城市发展巧妙地融合在一起。设计团队精心研究了历史资料,保留了具有当地特色的建筑元素,例如拱廊、露天市场和蜿蜒的街道。同时,项目也融入了现代化的设计语言,如开放的广场、码头长廊,以及当代风格的建筑,这种对比和融合,使得Al Seef既有历史的厚重感,又充满活力和现代气息。通过两种不同风格的对话,项目创造了一种独特的空间体验。


对城市肌理的积极回应:Al Seef海滨项目不仅是一个景观设计项目,更是一个对城市肌理、交通连接和可持续发展的积极回应。通过悬挑甲板、开放式长廊、以及连接迪拜河两岸的船只路线,项目激活了迪拜河的边缘,营造出充满活力和沉浸式的环形路线。此外,项目还关注了应对海平面波动的长期解决方案,体现了对环境的尊重和对未来的规划。这种综合性的设计理念,使得Al Seef不仅是一个旅游目的地,也是一个可持续发展的城市空间,为迪拜的城市发展注入了新的活力。

Al Seef是一个标志性的文化海滨目的地,表达了遗产复兴和当代城市发展。这条经过修复的1.6公里长的河段位于迪拜河沿岸,位于城市的历史中心,向这座大都市的海洋遗产和多元文化的现代身份致敬。
Al Seef is an iconic cultural waterfront destination that expresses both heritage revival and contemporary urban growth. Located along Dubai Creek in the historic heart of the city, the restored 1.6 km stretch pays tribute to the metropolis’s maritime heritage and multi-cultural modern identity.

在20世纪80年代部分拆除和成功拯救剩余遗产建筑的运动之后,开发商对场地进行了改造,以容纳F&;B、 零售和酒店业,设有开放空间活动广场和码头长廊。公共领域分为两个不同的主题,一方面从当地建筑中汲取灵感,包括19世纪90年代的Al Bastakiya,有拱廊、露天市场和蜿蜒狭窄的街道类型,另一方面从迪拜著名的快速崛起到世界级城市地位。
Following partial demolition in the 1980’s and a successful campaign to save the remaining heritage buildings, developers remodelled the site to accommodate F&B, retail, and hospitality with an open space events plaza, and marina promenade. The public realm is split into two distinct themes drawing inspiration on one side from the local architecture which includes the 1890’s Al Bastakiya, with arcades, souk, and winding narrow street typologies, and on the other from Dubai’s famously fast rise to world class city status.

The Restoration of Memories

Cracknell studied photographic documentation, to design a contemporary yet authentic representation of the design’s traditional vernacular as it appeared after erosion through layers of time. As part of the recreational experience within the heritage revival phase of the project, the team placed replicated artifacts, designed concrete materials and structural elements with imperfect finishes, integrated rustic lighting, and made shaded areas from local palm leaves (called barasti) to display local craftsmanship.

Activation of the Creek

悬挑甲板、开放式长廊、用餐露台、雕塑座椅、反射池和码头木板路激活了溪的边缘。Al Seef通过水路连接到河对岸以及黄金和香料市场,在老迪拜地区周围创造了一条充满活力和身临其境的环形路线。
A cantilevered deck, open promenade, dining terraces, sculptural seating, reflecting pools and marina boardwalk activate the Creek’s edge. Al Seef is linked by boat routes to the opposite side of the Creek and the gold and spice souks, creating a vibrant and immersive circular route around the districts of Old Dubai.

Long term solutions to predicted sea level fluctuations were key to the projects’ longevity and success. The heritage revival phase referenced existing water edge treatments, while the contemporary phase integrated an existing key wall and a stepped water feature which uses water pumped to the upper steps to create a cooling flow back into the Creek. Building resilience into the scheme, safe access and commercial functionality is provided for at least the next few decades.

Embracing Modernity

A series of pavilions that fully open onto the Creekside promenade in the contemporary phase blur the lines between internal and external spaces so that a stage is created for active restaurant and hospitality spill-out. A terraced cascading landscape of modern materials and lines takes inspiration from Dubai’s embrace of new urban growth patterns which is expressed further through the use of simple angular benches, sculptures, raised planters, modern paving, and defined linear lighting strips.

A Beloved Destination

Al Seef将迪拜的文化日历与斋月之夜和传统表演等活动相结合,将当地人和游客带到老迪拜,同时拥抱这座城市的当代活力和对未来的乐观态度。
Integrating Dubai’s cultural calendar with events such as Ramadan Nights and traditional performances, Al Seef transports locals and tourists alike to Old Dubai while at the same time embracing the City’s contemporary vibrance and optimism for the future.

Project Data

建筑师:Godwin Austin Johnson,10 design
照片来源:Alessandro Merati/版权所有:Crackell,Ranjith Akkarahodi/版权所有
Landscape architecture: Cracknell
Other designers involved in the design of landscape:
– Project Managers: ATKINS,
– Architects: Godwin Austin Johnson, 10 Design
– Marine, MEP and Structural: H2CM
Project location: Dubai, UAE
Year completed: 2018
Photo credits: Alessandro Merati / Copyright Cracknell, Ranjith Akkarathodi / Copyright Cracknell
